Sleepless 1010

It’s 3:27am. I haven’t slept, and I’m not really tired. I forgot to take my afternoon meds. It was one stupid dose and now I’m an insomniac again, with a head full of cotton. I have this strange feeling overcoming me, not anxiety but close.

Were you able to make up that dose? Could you take it now?

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Yeah, I took my Seroquel but not my lithium because doubling up on it is dangerous. Don’t know if I should take the lithium now. I took a benadryl because I was sneezing and my mouth was itching but it didn’t make me tired. It sucks having to try and redirect my thoughts away from delusional thinking. I don’t want to end up in another hospital.

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I feel you i woke up at 3 am and still haven’t been able to get back to sleep its now 5 am :pensive:

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Hey guys. I managed to get some sleep. I kept waking up, but it’s better than not getting any sleep at all. Still no notable symptoms and I took my morning meds on time so hopefully I’m in the clear. I still feel some strangeness but it’s not as bad as yesterday. It felt like my soul and body weren’t attached I guess is the best way to describe it, like a pit in my stomach. @Anna Were you able to get back to sleep? Hope you and @LED are well.


Many medications and supplements can cause sleep issues. For example omega 3 which most people take can disrupt sleep.

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Glad you got sleep. I did not unfortunately but I did just take a 3 hour long nap so that was lovely.

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