Sleep is the most important thing ever

And I really mean it.
When I have poor sleep - I have the worst days ever.
Today I had super duper good sleep… and yeah, I feel awesome.
Sleep is truly very important.
I know I said nothing new-
But it’s still a bit new discovery for me.
Wish you a good sleep, people :heart:


I used to sleep 12 to 14 hours every day. It was way too much. And now I can get by with 5 to 8 hours of sleep every day. I was feeling pretty bad. And then I took a nap for two hours. And I woke up feeling great.


I call sleep ‘the great reset’.


Very good way of describing sleep @Jonathan2

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I was wondering is there any living thing with out sleep.

I think even plants sleep.

Wonder why its such an important thing :thinking:


I get around 10 to 11 hours a night, I like my sleep schedule

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İ totally agree

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Sleep is very important for everyone. I love sleeping!

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Rest super important yeah, but sleep is overrated I think, I lose some nights occasionally, I like to think it’s cause I’m outworking others lol

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Sleep is foundation to good life


Sleep is very important.

Too bad I didn’t know about this in college. :unamused:


When I sleep to long I feel bad too. I always have to sleep as long as I still be tired in morning to get through the day, that sucks.

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Good sleep is the number 1 most important thing to stay sane for me. Even if i have a bad day and make all the wrong decisions, if i get a decent sleep that night, the next day is a new fresh beginning. Its like every new day is another chance at life.

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