Sleep deprivation

Im on 36 hours of no sleep. I read hallucinations are common with sleep deprivation. For normies its usually visual stuff. But im now curious if in another 12 hours ill start hearing voices or not. Maybe the AP will prevent me from hallucinating from sleep deprived causes.

I would sleep if i could. But i cant. :weary:

Id be interested in hearing other peoples experience with sleep deprivation and sz.

I am a dx chronic insomniac. I usually get visual and auditory hallucinations after I’ve been up for more than one night. If I get stressed, even if I’ve slept, I have MI symptoms.

I have sza, ptsd, gad with agoraphobia.

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I use to stay up for a week or more when manic. Sometimes I would see and hear things that weren’t there.

Do you have any meds to help you sleep?

Nope. My pdoc wanted to see how I did without them. It’s no ooooooooo fun!

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No, but i saw my nurse today and when she saw the bags under my eyes she told me should would email the doc requesting ambien.

Honestly i feel pretty normal atm, just feel slightly winded.

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I imagine so.
I hope you get some sleep soon.
Staying awake all the time isn’t healthy.

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Over many many years,I could get only one nights sleep after an average of 2 1/2 days of no sleep. I could only take a limited amount of prescribe sleep meds. Eventually I had lost a complete years worth of sleep. I looked like a walking cadaver. My hair was falling out. I had to make sure my belt was good an tight, or else my pants would fall off. I was a skinny pale twig.


I’m an insomniac and my best results come from kicking off my socks and letting my feet get a little cold. That seems to be putting me to sleep pretty quickly. I hope you get some rest soon!

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I sleep without socks, too! We have a lot in common.

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The idea that all humans must sleep at the same time causes a lot of people to lose sleep. In humanity there are people sleeping and people awake on a 24-7 basis. I used to freak out when I didn’t get sleep for a chunk of days. I finally came to the realization that there are things my body knows better than my mind ever could. Trust that you have a unique circadian rhythm. Trust that your body will truly make you tired enough to sleep when you need to. There are also habits you can form for better sleep like only sleeping or having sex in your bed, turning all the lights off for less distracting light, going to bed at the same approximate time each night and waking up to an alarm. There are also supplements like zzzquil. The bottom line I’m trying to make is that if you suffer from insomnia or the occasional 3 day wake fest, try to get in tune with your natural tendencies to fall asleep. Trust that you have a unique circadian rhythm. I hope this helps.

When I first got hit with schizophrenia, I had no sleep for over two weeks. You hear about people that have months of no sleep. That is total B.S.

Two weeks of no sleep almost kills you. That is a truth.
My flesh smelt like rotting flesh. I kid you not.
I would take a shower, but only hours later the smell was back.
I swear on my mother’s grave that this is true.

The fact that my situation sits deep into the the position of disbelief, does not help at all.

Look at my situation from a religious point of view. If a devil existed, what would he do to achieve his goals.

Well it is quite simple. Subject his victims with a magnitude of torture that is beyond belief.

The victim tells his/her story, and no one believes it.

Thus those of this world, which I call those of not the stone age but of the current brick age, still are so primitive that they still practice the primitive acts of beliefs and dis-beliefs. In turn, the people of today, without knowing of it, would still give the devil character the complete OK to do what ever he wishes.

I was hearing stories from soldiers falling asleep in the trenches under fire. I battle with sleepdeprivation its sometimes good for depression. Once i was in hospital and the doctor injected something after a few days of not sleeping.
I worked nightshift in bakeries it takes its toll on your mind. Eventually you will sleep, don’t be afraid. Can you call the hospital and ask for some drugs to help you sleep ?

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