Insomnia has taken over for 5 days!

I was hoping I would have crashed by now but I literally can’t sleep and I’m ssssooooo tired!!! I don’t know what to do I’ve drank tea, smoked cigarettes, tried meditating but can’t cause my voices and paranoia are off the chain!!! HELP!!!’

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If you have any sleeping medication I’d recommend trying that. You can usually get some at a place like Wallgreens over the counter also.

What medication would you recommend. I don’t have any over the counter or prescribed

Unisom and bath seems to work for me. There’s also some natural type ones you can get called Nutrasleep if you are against things like sleeping pills.

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Alright thanks!!!

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After three days of no sleep, you might consider going to the hospital. Insomnia seems like a pretty common sign that you’re about to have a psychotic break.


For psychotic symptoms you may have to up the dosage of the meds after visiting the doc.

For sleep, maybe melatonin or orthomolrcular sleeping pills could help.

Try seroquel it might help or zeprexa for sleep

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Any luck sleeping @Longhorn21?

Wishing you some good sleep

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Be careful. When I first got diagnosed I was living in a group home, extremely psychotic. I stayed up two days kinda on purpose and started visually hallucinating badly. I was in another world and didn’t know where I was. I snapped out of it and went right to bed. Hallucinations are common due to lack of sleep. You need to see a doctor and see if sleeping pills are safe for you to take.

Thanks everyone for the adivine I finally was able to crash last night thankfully since today was my first day at my new job. Hopefully I get some sleep tonight.


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