Skitzo 15151515

Had a client come into the store where I work the other day:

She was all over the place trying to remember what makeup shade she was using.

She goes, “oh my god, I’m totally skitzo right now.”

…I just smiled under my mask and was thinking lady, you got no idea who you’re talking to right now.


Honestly though, it did bother me at first. Like, that’s fuucking rude and inaccurate. But then again, some of these normies don’t know any better.

We also have to wear walkie-talkie headsets at work, and some of my coworkers joke about “the voices in their heads” a lot.

I dunno, like it’s funny to know that I’m camouflaging pretty well amongst them to the point they make comments like that, but also hurtful because normies have no clue what it’s actually like to hear shiit in their heads constantly.

…I dunno what the point of this post was, but maybe you peeps have some stories of your own where a normie made a “skitzo” comment or joke.

Thanks for reading :dizzy:


Here they use the word ‘schizophrenic’ as an insult. Politicians use it too, usually to say that the opposing party is crazy. I think you handled that situation with the lady perfectly. Just say ‘that’s funny’ or something.


I had a friend who has two schizophrenic friends (they’re twins). He calls them skitzo gang.

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I used to get called “crazy” a lot, by my friends.
After I got diagnosed I responded “yeah I know, the doctor told me”.
Now they say “don’t be silly, you’re not crazy”.




We used to use the term skitzo to each other in school as well, because that was the craziest thing we could call someone, so i guuess i wass one of them. And now i am one.

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Yeah the stigma is real. I mean give me a break, it’s not like I run around naked on the weekends screaming that I’m the messiah or something.



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