Sixteen year old adventures

I looked down at my floor and it was covered by hallucinations of the visual nature.

Perfectly symmetrical formations in a repeating pattern all over me floor.

Little did i know at the time that i was looking at a bunch of two dimensional torus shapes and their energy flow. It’s the stuff the universe is made of.

Yeah people are probably going to need that at some point. Needs to be understood and harnessed in some way. Pretty important stuff that is.

I had no idea what i was looking at either. One of the ways i know im not really sick, i’ve got problems but it’s not the same as that. More to this than meets the eye.

And when the gods started popping out i reeeeaaallllyyyy knew i wasn’t ill. But i does have a problem though.

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cool :smiley:
take care :alien:

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Mind control sucks.
Being connected by infinite lines where you can hear everyones thoughts. Even the aliens. Like a giant telecommunications web spread through out the universe. Even had dreams of animals eating people.

Had a dream I kicked a tiger cat in the ass right off a cliff. Balcony. To save my self. Lol. I was pretty uneven.
