Small, and compact. Alone in the void. No space, no time. Whole, one. Eternal. Everything that is, was, and will be. In perfect order. None of this entropy.
I remember the schism, the rush, the energy. When we all split. Another realm watched us, since the beginning, confused and in awe. I was once there, that other realm.
I remember falling, beyond time and space. The walls speeding past me as I fell, faster and faster. I was up so high. It took ages.
Fire and pressure, points of light all around me…others? I fell until I lost everything. The abilities, the knowledges, the other realms.
I…woke up? Physical, biological…living… I had to learn to move and sustain. I began to feel, to experience life, as the old realms faded away like dreams, only flashes left.
So what now? Climb back towards pinnacle? Find home again? I’m going to be waiting a long time til the next cycle, I’m worried.
This, Human experience is confusing, limiting. It has solid rules of physics and laws. It’s no longer complete and whole. The Infinite is asymmetrical…
So here I sit, feeling trapped and homesick for a realm I can’t get back to while in this form. Longing… and trying to remember why I came in the first place.
Feeling upset that I may not of consented to this existence.
shrugs and sighs
This thinking is getting me nowhere