Today I checked myself in the mirror and guess what: I look like I am 6 months pregnant.
I have a belly now from drinking a lot and vacationing…
Soon I will start work so full time keeping busy will help me lose weight.
I will also walk to work for 45 minutes everyday and back so I hope by christmas I will be okay again.
im going to be playing mrs santa claus this christmas its soooo awesome i just love christmas
when i was younger we had a pantry and i would mkew a christmas cake in october and feed it every week with brandy up until about a week before christmas, the smell was awesome because of the fruit and the spices.
looking forward to christmas its gonna be proper nice.
all the lights n beries n gingerbread xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Lost like 50kg since November. All a case of eat less move more. Med munchies are hard to beat but a case of not over eating and not stuffing yourself. I see it as getting use to feeling a little bit empty but not hungry. All a case of food is fuel not entertainment. I still pig out a bit on junk food. I find if you try to cut too much luxuries out of your life you just crave it more and end up wanting it more. In cases like that you end up sabotaging yourself and end up punishing yourself too much over it. All a case of moderation and balance. Fad diets don’t work you end up going backwards and forwards with yoyo dieting. So all a case of lifestyle change. My way you can still have your cake and eat it too.