I have totally put on weight over Xmas. Need to stop buying bread
What kinda bread do you like? I love French bread.
I put on like 2kg’s in less than a week! Had a good time though and ate a lot of stuff I usually don’t so it was worth it. I’m back on wholemeal bread. Healthier and good when it’s fresh.
I usually eat whole meal bread but as a treat over Xmas I got white. Man I ate loads of it
if you dont like something change it, its as simple as that
You mean you weren’t feeling fat at 3:45 am?
i feel fat too. but i always do.
it’s1 am here and in an hour i’ll start my exercise routine.
i highly recommend exercise. do what you can do.
the problem is i just had a midnight snack! lol!!
We got lots of chocolates. Next year i throw them straight in the bin. Its so tempting. In January i have to come off sugar, like every year.
I am feeling extra fat. It is probably why I dreamt so much last night. Cos I was night eating away.
Quarantine also makes people fat. I know cause I’m one of them
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