Oops! My belly

Another dilemma I’m having. I’ve been watching what I eat and how much water I’ve been drinking for weeks now alongside exercise and healthy choices in general. But wait! I’ve gained 5 lbs and I look 2 month pregnant. How is my stomach so big with all I’ve been doing to take care of my body? I wasn’t expecting this. Is this stress? It feels firm. Could my meds finally be turning on me? I was just normal not that long ago. I can’t believe this.

If it feels firm, something right about it. Do you feel numb? It could be tension. Maybe your body is shuffling around doing some rearranging.

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I look pregnant it’s the pills
I am loosing a little now
I am doing Pilates and that helps

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I don’t know. It could be gas. I am lactose intolerant and I had atolé (Mexican milk & rice pudding) I have a birthday party to host this Saturday. I can’t be looking like a bloated melon. Surely they’d chop me right up and eat me for dessert.

Yes, I am on 800mg of Seroquel.

Meds if im not mistaken slow your metabolism.

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Massage your belly, That will help let gas out. A lot of healthy foods are known to produce gas.

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But I was doing so well. :tired_face: Why now Universe?

I have given up on my weight now. Time to let myself go a bit.

I have yo-yoed from 80 to 90 kilos and I am sick of losing weight just to put i back on again!

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Its not a bad thing just make sure youre healthy. Outward appearances aren’t important and long as youre happy and in good health all is well. We dont come photoshoped

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I only ate the one sugar filled pudding because I felt a bit faint. I guess you’re right about appearances. I just don’t want to end up with diabetes. It runs in both sides of my family. I’ll probably make an appointment tomorrow to my GP to check my glucose & lipids levels. I’m due.

I got called fat at work yesterday! :roll_eyes: The thing is I am not even fat though I am 76 kg and I don’t have a belly on me at all.

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Ive been trying to lose weight all week, ate for it, but not a single bit of weight dropped off me :frowning:

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Oh no @anon98459728 that’s terrible. I keep telling myself think thin, you’ll get there Cici2. :upside_down_face: @anon90843118 keep on trying, don’t give up.


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