@Moonbeam I called. They said the dr is calling me back. I still have numbness in those toes. It’s been more than 24 hours of numbness after first 12 hours of wearing the boot loose and then 13 hours of no boot. I’m concerned at this point
My brother, when he broke his foot, they gave him a fancy light to use. Apparently it promotes bone growth. Perhaps the loan of one of those devices is possible.
I spoke to my dr. I have to sit with my ankle elevated about my heart for several hours and sometimes wiggle my toes. If it doesn’t improve after that, call in the morning.
They said keep my leg as high as I can tolerate and watch some movies. So that’s what I’m going to do. No cooking dinner tonight.
My sensation has returned about 50%. Yay! So I’m going to keep elevating above my heart, wiggling my toes, and icing like they said. They want me doing nothing but watching tv while elevating all day so that’s what I’m going to do.