I know many of us struggle with showers and bathing, they make face/body wipes for men and women to stay clean so atleast you can feel refreshed. I’m not trying to promote not bathing, but a way to feel refreshed and have some better hygeine without actually showering. There may be better or different products for everyone, I just got the dude wipes today.
For Men
I’m not trying to knock you, but it takes the same amount of effort to wipe down with wipes as it does to get in the shower with soap and a wash cloth. I think bathing is really important for your overall health
I’m being watched in my shower and it really bothers me so I get right to business and do it as fast as I can. But I understand people can’t do it if they’re too sick
Not really, with wipes you just hit a few target areas and good to go, not wiping your entire body, unless you want to, just to go in-between showers or baths. You can do it with your clothes still on.
Also, a dentist once told me that your teeth get just as clean brushing with or without toothpaste. For some reason this information helped me run a toothbrush over my teeth more often — it seemed like less effort— and I did not get any cavities that year.
You just wipe like you would with toilet paper, this is just a suggestion to stay sorta clean between showers and to feel refreshed. And @anon1517417 good to know about toothpaste, toothpaste makes me gag and puke most of the time so I usually only brush once a day.
But how do you freshen your breath without toothpaste? I brush my tongue and the roof of my moth in addition to my teeth and use toothpaste to do it. Otherwise, I’d be walking around with Kung fu breath lol!
I would normally brush with toothpaste at least sometimes, ideally at least once a day. But other times I was just so depressed I couldn’t manage it. And apparently brushing with just water was good enough.
I’m feeling better these days so I use toothpaste every time.