Should take a clearer stand on euthanasia for the mentally ill?

There is always a chance that there’s a treatment that will work. Look at some people here who were told they’d never do well. @Ninjastar and @shutterbug are two.

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I also worry governments will be quick to adopt this policy as an alternative to more expensive treatments.

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That’s scary. And a possibility. Last thing we need is to get into eugenics as a country.


Ok I have an issue here. You can’t say anything about God, or religion, at all. And God helped me with my schizophrenia. But you can debate about euthanasia for the mentally ill all you want. Seems a bit hypocritical maybe completely. It’s also a political opinion, and I thought politics weren’t on this forum either. Or is politics ok? It’s insane how people are so anal about free speech. I don’t post any of my conspiracy theories on here, or I try not to mostly because I’ll just be flagged or told I’m crazy for what I’ve experienced. It doesn’t help people. That’s why I prefer the facebook groups over this forum. It’s too heavily moderated. It makes me uncomfortable that every single keystroke I make is being recorded. Its creepy. Like having someone breathe down your neck for posting in a support group.

I mentioned eugenics already once, but you can talk about it I guess because you’re a moderator, and that’s still a political thing or “triggering” because the label schizophrenia was created by the first “eugenicist” and it’s freaking true. So sue me for being honest! I’m sorry I’m so controversial. But this topic is stupid when suicide is the number one cause of death in someone with schizophrenia, not to mention homelessness, stigma, being feared as if you’re a monster.

Why wouldn’t you take a more progressive stance on this? This forum is regressive, anyways, it sucks. I mean make it harder for me to leave why don’t you?

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This has already happened many times throughout history, and continues to this day in certain parts of the world. We’ve seen sterilization and eugenics in this country too (I was once a guest of a state hospital named after a prominent eugenics physician). The US is far from exempt of maltreatment, sometimes even paving the way for new and insidious methods of torment. It’s a weird world, and things can always revert to previously low standards.


To be fair and to my delight mods are being very vocal and supportive about it but there is so much they can do. Who knows, maybe this is the tipping point for the debate on euthanasia on this forum.

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I think its very sad that the pretentious atheists always get to make up all the rules. Is psychiatry as a whole non-religious? It’s a huge turn off for me, as a majority of people who live successful lives with schizophrenia also have healthy spiritual practices. It seems unfair to censor all talk about religion unless its completely nutso. But this topic is actually upsetting about eugenics and euthanasia. Gross. It kind of makes me wonder like no wonder people stop taking their meds. There is something called “open dialogue” and it seems to have helped a lot of people but you don’t hear about that on here. I would like more discussion on successful recovery and living life with schizophrenia…heavily moderating this forum seems to keep framing schizophrenia in a pathologically negative light.

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There are now known cases in countries with euthanasia where families have managed to bump off inconvenient ill relatives WITHOUT their consent. Too open to abuse.


I understand your frustration but most people here have been arguing against euthanasia on social justice grounds, not religion or atheism.

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I think the whole topic is triggering/not good


Euthanizing for mental illness smells of Eugenics.
I am totally against it.


Scary thing is that I’m sure there are people in power all for “killing” off the mentally ill.


I’m not “most people” and I would argue against euthanasia on a moral basis and the fact that people who have schizophrenia are 1. unable to always make rational decisions 2. often the most vulnerable in society 3. often targets of the government for whatever reason. That’s all I would say about that. I still think it’s wrong that we can’t talk about religion on the schizophrenia forum. But that is off topic.

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Doctors just want people’s organs for money and to save money on resources that sustain life. It will greatly affect life insurance companies who will stretch for new rules.

There are reasons we don’t allow religious discussion. We’ve been over this many times, but I’ll post the reasons why again.

We don’t allow religious discussions on this site. This for a couple of reasons. First, it tends to cause arguments, because for some reason people can’t seem to just respect each other’s different religious beliefs. Second, many folks suffer from religious delusions. It is one of the top three topics of delusion, alongside aliens and government conspiracies. We don’t allow discussions on those topics, either. Third, there are many members here who were subjected to exorcisms by family members who, sadly, did not understand their illness. Those memories can be very traumatic for those individuals, and they don’t need to be reminded of them.

I support assisted death for the mentally ill in Canada. That doesnt mean everyone with mental illness would qualify. Only extremely severe cases. One case of a mentally ill woman who was already euthanized was that she had untreatable anorexia and was starving herself to death and wanted assisted death. So in this case she was going to die, she was going to suffer, and she expressed her desire to have assisted death.

If it’s not legal they’re likely to just kill themselves anyways. At least with euthanasia it’s gentle and controlled.

I think it would have to be thoroughly regulated, and it should be off the table for anyone with a developmental disability, but I would be a lot more comfortable getting older if I had the option of checking out if things get to a point where I’m treatment resistant (I already have tried over a dozen meds that either didn’t work or made me worse. We’re pretty much down to whatever they come up with next.) and losing all my relationships. I’d rather die in good standing with my family.

I have a developmental disability and I would like the right to kill myself if I had severe mental illness… :confused:

Summer 1982: Was 15 months into a psych stay. My father in Atlanta working as British consul general. He’d sold the family home. My mother living with a school teacher who resented my siblings and I,especially me. The future options were transfer to a long stay ward or life in a group home. I was not doing well.

A month later I met my wife. The first person who’d really believed in me after I become ill. 6 months later we left hospital together. I won’t pretend it was easy. I lacked independent living skills, and my wife had the psychological stress/ trauma of having her 2 youngest in care. I won’t go into details beyond saying sibling dishonesty and vindictiveness was a major part of her children ending up in care. It was ironic that after years arguing my wife was an unfit mother the youngest one only came back after an abortion where the foster father was undoubtedly the one who’d got her pregnant. He’d also molested other foster daughters. Social services didn’t want to deal with the emotional and psychological fallout from it, so my wife and I miraculously became suitable people after years of being treated as unsuitable.

My life hasn’t been a bed of roses. If i compare myself to those of similar age and intellect without ASD and SMI I don’t do well. However it’s 38 years and a month since I was last in psych hospital. I was with my wife for 22 years and married for nearly 19 years. I have great stepfamily near me, who love me as I love them.

Life could be a lot worse. If euthanasia for mental illness had been available in the summer of 1982 I might easily have chosen that option. I’m glad it wasn’t.


I think it’s too risky for abuse. At least with mental illness there’s a chance they could make a living will to include that this is what they want. But with DD someone else is much more likely to be the one in charge.

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