You’re really stressing me out child. Why did you call Pawpaw a dick? Just never mind. I’m so mad I could just scream but I’m mad because I’m worried about you and how you treat people. WTH? Sparrow I know my having OCD and schizophrenia was hard on you but my God child get some counseling. And your father is no angel. He wasn’t when I knew him and he’s not now. Besides you’re 22 and where has he been? Where?
It’s in my phone typed out but I haven’t sent it
Probably not what you want to hear, but this does beg the question: Is he actually a dick? If so, and he acted like one to her, the criticism may be warranted.
Well, he can be very opinionated. I’ve calmed down. She’s very rude to me and my dad. I guess she’s nice to everyone else. Her blatant disrespect worries me. I know she just can’t be successful in life like that. She’s 22.
If you put clothes on your daughter’s back and a roof over her head. Then you were really grumpy with her one day would you put up with her calling you a dick? No respect. My dad helped me raise that girl. He helped her get better grades when I tried and couldn’t. Her name is Sparrow
My daughter has been brought up to tell me if I’m being an ass to her. Also, she knows that I expect her to be blunt with me if and when I lose insight. I value honesty in communication above courtesy. I save that for working with customers at the day job.
Yeah. Well my dad’s definitely not you. Maybe I’m overreacting. Maybe it’s a southern thing. You respect your elders. She’s just got a crappy attitude and I worry about it. She’s nice to her friends
I’m kind of screwing up the whole “Canadians are polite” stereotype, that much is certain.
I promise you that growing up in my dads house was difficult bc he is domineering and that was hard but he means well. But he’ll tell you loudly if he disagrees with you
It really is a tough thing to judge. I remember getting in a fight with my maternal grandpa because I was that age and stupid. I really regret that incident because it affected what was a good relationship and I feel guilty about it now years later.
That is the thing. Kids are bullet proof when young but giving them hard love can backfire sometimes. Just saying. I thought I knew everything and I was right about everything…maybe just tell her how you feel without confronting her so much??. Just say your disappointed and you thought better…that sort of attitude gets through to young uns.
Pretty name.
maybe just talk to her about it instead of disciplining her, ask her why she says that, have an open conversation about it
Did you miss the part where she’s 22?
i remember when i was in my early twenties and one of my parents friends told my parents that usually their offspring dont usually talk to their parents unless they want something like money or help with something when they move out… i didnt move out til i was 26 i think but i can see why some adult children would want to have some freedom from their family after growing up for 20+ years with them. i think after so long people just take things for granted and can have apathy with it. then when they get older they start to appreciate having family in life. its probly normal at her age to feel that way.
I don’t know if you should text her. I would talk to her face to face and find out why she thinks and feels how she does.
@anon78876561 @noahide @daydreamer @shutterbug @shutterbug @rogueone @SacredNeigh7 I didn’t send the text. My grandmother says,”When in doubt don’t.” I was very angry and stressed about it yesterday and sometimes when you’re like that things don’t go well if you just react without thinking. My first post is a copy of the actual text I was gonna send.
@SacredNeigh7. Actually my niece was born first and her name is Raven. So the day before Sparrow was born I still didn’t have a name for her. So my dad sis and I decided to give her a bird name
We’re a Native American family.
I love those names and I think it’s terrific that you are teaching your girl to honor her heritage. Super Cool.
Thanks. She is also actually half Ecuadorian so when she was little I would take her to the WV state fair. There was a booth there every year that sold handicrafts from Ecuador and I would buy her something every year. When she was a kid she really didn’t care about that but now she has a flag of Ecuador and she’s learning Spanish.
U should be respectful to your parents.