Should I go up on my meds?

The Psychiatrist has recommended I go to 1000mg of Amisulpride, which is up from 800mg.

I read online that apparently 800mg is known as the highest effective dose, although you can go up to 1.2g a day

Not sure if I want to do this or not

This morning was pretty rough - I have been tormented by intrusive thoughts that are starting to become worse and even audible sometimes.

Really don’t want to up my meds.

They need to sort my sleep out I think, and then things will be better

I was up at 3:30am this morning, and barely slept and done a full days work

Just ate a take out pizza to try and give me some energy, as I am starting to feel really sick and like I have flu with chills etc.

Not sure things are going right at the moment med wise, but I really don’t know whether to up the dose of this medication without even speaking to my proper pdoc at least on the phone

1000 mg of amisulpride ?

Didnt know it could go that high. That is crazy high wow.

Good luck

And without consultation

I would be more inclined to ask for a sleep aid than for an increase in a med that you’re already on the max dose of. Even NTs hallucinate when they are sleep deprived.


For acute psychotic episodes, oral doses between 400 mg/d and 800 mg/d are recommended. In individual cases, the daily dose may be increased up to 1200 mg/d. Doses above 1200 mg/d have not been extensively evaluated for safety and therefore should not be used.

This was supposed to be sorted out weeks ago, but my case worker never seems to do what he says

Nozinan makes me far too sedated, even if I cut them in half!

He said well we need to find something else, but does nothing about it, so I just stopped bothering about it.

I think you’re right though, the sleep is the root cause of this I think. Not SZ


I don’t understand this statement. Why would it be ok to deviate in some cases?

My previous pdoc took me back down off 1000mg before as I said to him I didn’t feel it made any difference.

All these people seem to want to do is drug me until I shut up, and that’s not happening anymore

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Have you gotten the okay to take Benadryl, melatonin, Nyquil, or other OTC sleep-aids?

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A mega dose of ap is unacceptable in the long run, that is not the answer. It will backfire sooner or later.

Nothing has ever made me more crazy than sleep deprivation. I would ask your doc to focus on that. If the ap doesen’t work as a sedative sleeping aid you need to find alternatives.


I have never asked for those before. I will see what they say

Thanks @Ninjastar

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Out of all the prescription sleep aids I have ever taken, nothing has been as effective as a simple dose of Nyquil (doxlymine succinate) right before bed. And you can just buy it at any pharmacy.

Thanks for the recommendation - I will see if it’s available in the UK, should be!

I have tried Zopiclone and Zolpidiem, but they never worked for me either

Nozinan is a horrible, old anti-psychotic they give to people for Palliative care. I really cannot stand how it makes me feel. Although I have a good nights sleep on it, when you wake up you feel like you have been hit by a bus!

On that I can take 25-50mg, but even cutting a 25mg tab to 12.5mg is still a hard hitter

Would have to be incredibly desperate to take that stuff again

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I refused the extra Amisulpride

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