Should I go to the hospital? A poll

I actually do! I also tap my feet a lot when I touch my dog because it makes me so happy!

I didn’t talk about this stuff at all on this forum because I thought it was my “dirty secret” and it was kinda like me lacking social abilities…so eh. But no use hiding it now.

How are you feeling?

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I’m feeling a little better. Had a long talk with a friend and he helped calm me down some


Oh good! I’m so happy that you are doing a little better!
Please keep me updated.

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If i were you, i would hightail it to the nearest hospital and check yourself in. You sound as though you’re going through a really rough patch, and you’ll need some support. I hope you feel better soon.

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I slept 4 hours last night. I have work in 15 minutes but I cant resist the urge to research suicide. I read that shooting yourself has an 80% chance of working. I dont know if I like those odds. But I suppose it feels worth it at this point. I dont know.

Honestly maybe I took an unorthodox approach with you last night but it’s all a projection bc that’s how I’d want to be talked to if I were in trouble. It’s ultimately the written word and I stand by it. I’ve been immersed in this stuff for a long time and would like to think being a mental health consumer happened for a reason.

I think you did fine. I’m just hopeless

Well maybe I’m with you in a way and need to give it away in order to keep it - as they say in A.A.

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I was in the hospital around 8 times too… My best friend around 10 times too and they really relieved her. Honey, if it gets bad again, go there. The important is to get better, no shame… Its not a failure either, many people did the hospital for many times too.

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I was in 3 times in 3 years. But in time maybe you won’t feel so bad or feel this way. Time heals all wounds. And maybe it won’t feel like an emergency any more and you can just chalk it up to experience and hey I did it on my own. Work used to help me forget about it, get involved in something else and it changes your feelings. Did you accomplish work today @Moon. Its OK if you didn’t. I have to hand it to you baristas you do good customer service. It would be a hard job for me. They always seem so well and like ‘its cool’. Hope your OK. Let us know!

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I did go to work yeah it was awful but I did it. I feel a little better after going though I guess because it was a good distraction. But still suicidal

Well I hope you keep reaching out here if it get worse again

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For sure. I anticipate it will.

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You should go to the hospital. You’re way too suicidal not to.

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