Should i delete my social media accounts yes/no

You sound very delusional/paranoid. No one thinks you’re an agent and no one is tracking you. I’m 99% sure of that. Relax, everything is gonna be alright.


I am on the fence about this too. I tend to disable facebook every month or so. People used to get mad and think I blocked them. I blocked a lot of people.

I miss having friends.

What do you miss about having friends? How do friends make you happy?

I felt like i had someone I could talk to who believed in me and understood me. I have been isolated pretty much since pandemic/and I changed. I stopped being nice to everyone and being a pushover. But i really dont like being alone.

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But you are talking to us on this forum. We are your friends.

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I don’t understand why people go as far as deleting their social media profiles.
Unsubscribe to the emails and uninstall the apps.
The profile will still be there if you change your minds


Its useless in retrospect. I deleted my writing page when I had 800 followers and now i only have 10 its basically self-sabotage but oh well, I do that a lot. did the same thing with twitter when I had like 5,000 followers. Its why I will never be popular/have no desire to be popular/famous.

Like everything in life. Advantages and disadvantages. Just have to accept and move on. No one can predict the future. Sometimes bad decisions lead to good decisions and good decisions lead to bad decisions.

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