Ive deleted my Facebook, twitter, deviantart and other cringey things from the past. I know there will be copies and stuff from them being old and whatnot but I just want them gone.
I also am having a hard time deleting my youtube, I just want my old internet personality and romps erased.
Sometimes i like as well deleting my internet account and start new.
There are a couple of accounts I should delete. Thanks for the reminder
Nice , surely you’ll be better off without all that stuff.
Deactivated my Facebook, deleted Instagram, and now I don’t have any social media.
I figure the people who want to contact me know how to do so directly.
…Social media in a nutshell is just a bunch of fakery.
I deleted all my social media about 3 years ago . I’m fine without it
Yeah, I also don’t want childhood people being able to stalk me if they think about me out of the blue.
I’ll be better off because I don’t even use it at all
I feel like All I really need is my irl coworkers and friends and my family now, I used to have nothing but internet friends and now I hate it. The internet used to be a bastion for weirdos and outcasts like schizophrenics and geeks and the latter but now everyone is on it shitting it up and now all I ever meet are mean, fake, shallow people who are desperate to plug anything they can and take advantage of you.
No problem, maybe I saved you from getting canceled because of something 13 year old you posted hahaha.
That was a joke in total jest I’m not implying you’ve ever done anything bad
Not all people are bad. But I get not liking how fake people can be on social media. People post pics of themselves always smiling etc and it makes people feel like their life isn’t as great as everyone else’s and can lead to depression and isolation. It’s not a good thing in my opinion.
Social media is a game created by man, and in a nut shell the game is called: “look at me”. I don’t like it, but most important it makes me mentally ill scrolling through photos and videos. And it doesen’t help that the social media companies are deliberately making their platforms as addictive and time consuming as possible.
I feel bad for the generation growing up now where a life without social media is very difficult because it is the hype of the age. There are no clear options for kids to think that they can expel social media from their lives because it has become so ingrained in the new generation.
I don’t have anything, except a facebook account that I’m planning to delete. The people I want to get in touch with I do so anyways without fb.
Yeah I deleted all my socials when I was psychotic, but am glad to have them gone even still, no more worrying about what a bunch of random people think about me or what I’m doing, just my experience of course.
I keep mine, I have no life
I never really had any lol but yeah that’s probably a good idea. Too much info to steal
I did this a while ago.
Actually, I enjoy FB now I have a new profile. I only have close family on there, and as I created a brand new profile, all the junk had gone!
Might be worth considering in a few weeks. There was so much crap on mine I tried deleting it all and it took ages!
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