I feel like I should ask chick out/phone number I know her name and she is regular customer,so much in common with her tbh but she is years younger than me.Such a cool chick should ask her if she’s single go for date etc.What do you guys think!
How many years younger?
@Sarah Don’t know say she’s early twenties iam 40, but hey doe’s age really matter?
No, age does not really matter at all, as long as she is not underage, I went out with a guy when I was 23 and he was 37, I think you should ask her for her phone number first. If she willingly gives it to you then go ahead and phone her and ask her out. What harm can it do.
Probably shouldn’t ask her out.
@Sarah No defo not underage I would say 23+ tbh thanks and yes age makes no difference tbh
Why not? It is not as if they work together. Through work association and online dating are about the only two ways of meeting people these days.
@everhopeful Why not ask her her out/phone as she talks to me about the same things were are interested in,don’t see why her being a regular customer is an issue tbh.She knows my name and I know hers again don’t see the issue tbh!
If you keep asking out good customers then you drive them away and could get into trouble at work.
I believe The Manx works for himself.
I think you should ask her to go to dinner with you, and take her some place nice
@eventhopeful WRONG! she comes in most of the time to speak to me and I would never ask every customer out in general not my style! She tals to me because she likes me and me her,99.9% are just costumers please and thank you end of!
@Sarah Yes I work for myself on Ebay,but this is a parttime shop job I have to supplement my income where I meet here
Ok. You know the situation best. Best of luck with whatever decision you make.
It sounds like you two are pretty comfortable with each other, I still say go for it. Agree with Leaf, dinner would be lovely.
I do know if you referred to me as a chick you would get turned down.
@anon78876561 I don’t call her chick I call her by her first name,just using it as topic post tbh,would never do that tbh my Nana would kill me if I done that if was still alive tbh
All different are females though
Oh yeah. I’m just not the kind of person who wants to be called a baby chicken. But that is definitely a personal choice.
A fancy dinner gives her the chance to dress up and impress you, that can be fun and exciting for some women.