Sharing some insights!

I was diagnosed with sz about 35 years ago and I wanted to share some things I’ve learned along the way to my fellow survivors of mental health challenges. First the value of work cannot be undervalued. I started back to work about 6 years ago.I was working at a store here in San Diego for about 5 years part time. It got me back into a schedule of getting up every day and finding a way to make a few bucks for my own existence and not just leaning on the government to pay my bills. Now I’m back to work full time as a peer support specialist as it is now called here in America. This is very rewarding work as I.m learning about myself as well as helping others with severe mental health challenges such as sz. bipolar disease and severe depression. Anyway I’m here to say that good work is possible for us. Just find the right type of work that is fulfilling and enlightening. The second thing I wanted to share is perseverence. We can never give up on ourselves as most of our problems can be solved by our own volition with the help of a good support system. Hope is till alive! And thirdly, we can find and grow with the love of another person. We can be in love as I’ve been in a loving relationship for about 3 years.And I hope it lasts for the rest of my life. So recovery is possible for us. Love is possilel for us and good rewarding work is possible for us! Go for it!


So say we all! (Well, me, at least.) :heart:

thanks, yes.

many people say, the schizophrenic has to stay employed.

and love can cure addiction.

I’m glad you’re doing well. You’re an inspiration to us.

That’s great, it’s good to hear that someone else with our diagnosis is doing really well and trying to encourage others,

I have found that if we do our best every day then that is a good place to start, could be just getting out of bed in the morning or having a good scrub but as long as we try our best then that is the main thing,

And who knows where it might lead, if you are doing your best you may be able to do a little bit more,

I guess it all depends on the severity of it though and our symptoms but staying positive really does go a long way and then I think that’s how you will find yourself on the path to recovery

Take care

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Right on guys! Keep on plugging away. I agree that sometimes just getting out of bed and showering can b an accomplishment for the day. We can build on that.


Ive seen my mother go from not able to leave the housr and take lunch up the the school if we forgot it. To owning her own business today. There is light at the end if the tunnel. Just not easy to find. Stay strong.

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That’s right stay strong and keep fighting for yourself!