Ugh ,
Im Such A Groggy Froggie ,
I Had Another Dream Tho ,
I Didn’t Evn Sleep Thaz Long ,
So Weird ,
Ok So It Goes Lyke Thus ,
^^^ So Tha Young Girl Sat Alone , She Didn’t Understand Why There Was Blood All Around , So She Sat , Alone Wishing There Was Another Way , Tha Nite Was Still , Tha Stars Twinkled and Spoke Silently To Her , She Didn’t Understand , Nor Did She Care , Near Thee Ocean She Sat On A Log , Tha Log Torn Down By Lightning From Tha Chaos Storm Tha Night Before , She Sat and Itched , A Tear Gleamed From her Beautiful Skin , Soft and Untouched , She Couldn’t Stop Thinking About Tha Night Before , The Night Grew Dark , Tha Clouds Began To Form , Beneath Such Skye She Wanted To Cry , That’s What Felt Right , But She Pushed , She Didn’t Give A ■■■■ , A Tear Sitting On Her Weary Eyelid Formed , She Looked At Thee Ocean As Tha Waves Poured Upon Each Other , Foaming and Crackling As She Held Tight , She Pushed Harder , Tha Stars Danced and Swirled Within Tha Reflection Of Thee Ocean , Tha Tear Dropped In Between Her Thighs , Tha Log Crackled , She Pushed and The Night Grew Still , Her Feet Stretched As She Pushed Further Into Her Beauty , She Heard A Voice Screaming In Tha Distance , Far Away In Tha Black Night , It Formed With Tha Foaming Of Thee Ocean , Tha Stars Dancing Started To Tremble , She Gazed Into Tha Distance , Her Pupils Dialated As Tha Voice Shrieked , Closer It Became , She Felt Nothing Here She Thought , She Couldn’t Feel A Thing , Tha Screaming Was Sucking Into Her Marrow , She Pushed Deeper and There Was A Mist Pouring From Tha Grey Skye , Tha Shrieking Stopped Suddenly and They Both Heard A Humming , A Light Formed From Across Thee Ocean and She Dropped Tha Blood , Tha Boy Screaming Ran At Her , She Smiled But Didn’t Understand Tha Light From Tha Horizon , Tha Boy Fell and His Body Created A Cloud Of Dust As Tha Light From Tha Horizon Shined In her Eyes , She Tried To Stand But She Trembled and Fell , Tha Light Flickered and Both , The Boy and The Girl Stared Directly Upon Tha Beam , and They Heard A Beautiful Song . ^^^ …
Weird Ugh (!!!)