Share some tips to help recover from Schizophrenia

I think it would be get yourself busy and active.

-Go to work
-Try to read
-Take medication as prescribed
-Be positive

:smiley: ,Share your idea or tips which has worked or you think will work,haha


Do quantum physics. Be enlightened. ( joke)

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Remember it’s nobody’s fault!

Never eat more than you can chew.

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Read recommended cbt books, healthy diet, exersise, meditate, etc…

Tackle it as a learning exercise or challenge.

We’re experiencing things that many during this life time won’t

That experience allows us more empathy to others in similar situations

There are some benefits to what we’re going through.

I like the list…

I’d like to add…

A set back isn’t a defeat… be patient with yourself and always try again.


Don’t fight the people trying to help you, let them help you. Keep an open mind to the possibilities, you have potential. See a therapist and psychiatrist; both if you can. Be willing to change. Keep close to your family. DON’T DO DRUGS. Realize that you’re in it for the long haul, take care of your health and it will pay off later down the road.


-Have a routine for yourself and stick to it

-If you are on medication, stay on medication. If you don’t like your medication talk to your doctor about switching. If you would like to try to get off medication, get your doctor’s, friend’s and family’s opinions if they think you could do it first, and then with your doctor’s help gradually lower your dosage over time

-Get PLENTY of sleep!!

-Exercise releases endorphins that makes you happy :sunny: But the first two weeks you will feel miserable. Get past those two weeks and you will love the feeling and will feel bad if you don’t exercise!!

These are just some basic things that I think are helpful