Shall I drop the nose stud?

For my interview shall I replace my nose stud for a retainer ?

Generally speaking, yes. However, it depends on what type of job you’re seeking.

Regardless, I hope you get the job.

IT support engineer. I guess I need to look professional for it as not all see it as professional looking more like tacky.

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I’m not sure…if you like the nose stud, why not leave it in? I say damn the people that are against the way you want to look.

Yeah but not really damn when I’m
Sitting at home for a further year with no job :see_no_evil: I have to give in if I want a job , right??? The thing with nose piercing if I take it off the hole will get blocked hence I’ll wear a retainer.


If you feel better taking it out. do it. I support you either way.

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Think I’ll wear the retainer so I can at least keep the piercing and won’t close up :slight_smile:


I say do it if you think it will give you the edge. Job market is tough. You take what you can get.

I would remove it and replace with a retainer… As one who has a few piercings I’ve learned its better to go to the interview with none…then see what the workplace policy is about it once I got in…