Seen a psychiatrist this week

Shes okay i guess. She asked me was it okay to put meds up slightly i agreed but they can always be lowered again or changed she said. Although these meds make me numb a bit, i couldn’t handle my emotions anyway so this is a good thing.

Im always afraid having meds changed but 50-100mg is ok a month , im already on 400mg


I’m seeing my psychiatrist on Monday.

If all goes well, I won’t see them for another 6 months.


My whole region only has one pdoc who covers the ward and the community. Is impossible to see them.

Folk got letters sent saying something along the lines of ‘apologies but routine appointments aren’t working’

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That’s not good. I hope you have enough meds.


Yep have enough meds. It’s just they are not working great and could really do with a change

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I keep getting indigestion and the clopixol can cause gastrointestinal issues so i don’t know?

This is past 2 weeks

I hope it ain’t the meds

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I am clopixols sister med - depixol. I get mine as a depot. Do you get yours as a depot too?

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Yes depot

I have been getting severe indigestion 7 times in 2 weeks its freaking me out. I take a tablet every morning thats supposed to prevent it but its not entirely working. I said this to the doctor ugh

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Oh man. That sucks for sure

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You want to change meds? Can your gp change the Depixol for you?

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I was thinking of phoning my CPN and asking them that very same question. I hope the gp can

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I was on Depixol depot in 2012 but gave me high prolactin. You need to possibly keep an eye on this with blood test

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I will ask the gp to do my bloods too then

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All the best!


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Thanks @Ducky :pray:

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