Feeling a bit out of sorts because am mid med change

Increasing depixol and decreasing seroquel. Just really tired and my concentration isn’t the best. It will pass in a few weeks.

My folks are away on holiday for two weeks so will use this time to get used to my new med regime.


Is this your current med? I thought you were taking fluanxol


Depixol and fluanxol are the same thing - just different names


You can do it. Probably not a good idea to go to the pub until you get this sorted out.

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Yeah you are right. Just gonna live quiet in the flat and go grocery shopping only

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Gota have the least stress as possible.

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Absolutely. Will treat myself kindly

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Hope the med change works out for you @anon94176359. Take it one day at a time and try not to get stressed.


In my mind, I can envision some issues that could occur with you med change. I wouldn’t necessarily expect it to be pleasant.

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I think you may be right

It’ll pass. When I got switched from geodon to seroquel, I felt really off and I had more symptoms for a few days. Then things started to settle down. You can get through it, we are all rooting for you. I hope this change is a good one!

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Well this morning am feeling ok.

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Glad to hear, keep it mellow

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Hope it goes well Jimbob.

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So feeling better than last night anyway. The test will be 7pm - an hour before my night meds. The meds are low in my system at this point.

Good luck Jimbob. Really hope this works out for you.

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