Second Episode Psychosis

I’ve just had my second episode of psychosis.

My first was in February 20.20. I was on antipsychotics until September of that year when I came off of them following a reduction. I remained on 50mg of sertraline.

I then had a stressful period at work, with family and my partner from January onwards. I then reduced my sertraline to 25mg and had a relapse of psychosis within two weeks of this.

I suffered from delusions but no hallucinations, for nearly six weeks, and was placed on Olanzapine at the start of this time. And have only just now realised the delusions were not real.

During this time I was off of work, but was caring for myself.

As I had those months off of antipsychotics. I now want to work my way back to a reduction and stop them again, but stay on sertraline and reduce stress this time. Does anyone think this is possible?

Usually if you have a relapse , you should stay on them long term, most stay on them for a lifetime. Mean time to relapse is one year

That’s what I have read. I’m hoping as there was a lot of stress involved and a reduction in antidepressants maybe I can try again and also give up work.

Probably not realistic then?

Was nearly a year to the day since the first episode.

Can someone please help me with another opinion?

Hi @Luke83, I had a period from 2015-2017 where I said to hell with these pills and chucked all of them. Functioned just fine until early 2018. Now I’m right back where I was in 2015, except I’m 50 pounds heavier. Not exactly a net gain (pun not intended). I don’t think you’re likely to find a doctor who will let you go without meds indefinitely. Maybe a lower but consistent dose, but probably never be free of them. Hope that helped.

It does help, but very bad news to be honest. I was hoping for the opposite. Thinking of just going off them again myself even though I know it’s a bad idea

I’ve found that of the many threads that have been made over the years which are identical to yours, other forum members will near-unanimously agree if you have more than one psychotic episode, you’ll likely need them for life. Sorry to be a Debbie Downer. Wish I could give you better news, I really do.

Thank you anyway. I was hoping that as it was only delusions I might be okay? I didn’t have hallucinations and was caring for myself and the dog, cooking and cleaning etc. Just had very strange thoughts that people were out to get me

Maybe it’s delusional disorder? I have no idea - I’m not your doctor. It’s still worth being seen and letting a specialist determine what to do and how to approach it in a way that benefits you and your quality of life overall. :slight_smile:

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