I know I don’t always comment on these, but I love all of them and I think it is so cool.
Thank you thank you
nice work, bud. how long does something like this take to make?
Ty, I’m guessing this took about 3 hours. I didn’t track the time so only guessing.
I love these too!
Very cool!
Did you buy those they look awesome
Nope I modelled them. I’m thinking of maybe doing the same idea from scratch again though, I’m not quite happy with the balance of detail, I think it’s a bit too busy. I only see these things afterwards, when I haven’t stared at it for 3 hours straight and can get fresh eyes on it, hehe.
Hey wait a minute you made that that’s amazing
Hehe, yeah it’s a cool software. Been using it for about 10 years.
Jesus Christ I’m in shock keep up the amazing truly amazing work
Thanks! It’s not as complicated as it looks but I will keep it up, or try my best.
There’s a rule for design I came by a while ago, it’s called the 70/30 rule. About 70% of an object should be empty space, and 30% are clusters of details spread out. I will try to use that more and more as I continue making stuff. I think the models I’m the most happy with are the ones that follow this rule, whether I was consciously following it or not. This model, I feel is a bit busy towards the end of it.
/3d modeling diary entry closed
pretty dope, what you will do with it ?
Looks great, they should have hired you for Starfield.
Maybe have it in my portfolio if I get around to coding a webpage some day. It’s sitting in my pictures folder until that time lol.
Thanks for the compliment, the models I have seen from star field are pretty cool.