School friends

Have you stayed in touch with any school friends I didn’t have any school friends I did in first school but not in private school I got bullied I feel sad that I haven’t got any contact with them


Im still in touch with my best friend from middle school and high school

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I have a friend from school that I keep in contact with. We text regularly.

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Sadly, I’m not in contact with any of my friends from my school days.

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I had three good friends outside of school but in four years of high school I only made like two friends at school. And one was a backstabber. I had acquaintances but I’m not interested in getting in touch with any of them.

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I have one guy that I’ve been talking to recently. We play disc golf together. most my old friends have children, moved away, or I haven’t seen in a long time. We had a group of friends that skated and did everything together. I’ve ran into them a few times and it’s good to see them. They’re still doing them.

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I have cut off all contact with my elementary school, high school and tertiary school friends. I keep contact only with my family members of whom share the same family/surname as me.

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I have nothing to do with my primary or secondary school friends. They all forgot about me after I got sick…or maybe I forgot all about them, I don’t know. Now my only friends are from my clubhouse or church and they accept me as I am. They don’t expect me to be someone I’m not.

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No I hate them now if I ever see them I try not to make any contact.

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What"s good phone that never rings…

(Lou Reed)


My best friend is my friend from junior high school. Her first name is the same as my first name :slight_smile: I’ve known her for 25years.

I have a couple of friends from school later on in life. I think it’s easy to make friends at school, as it is easy to relate to others in the same situation. But keeping those friends is harder. Friendship needs work like all relationships do.

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My old highschool friends are addicted to crystal meth and crack ----- and have rotten teeth and is living under a bridge
They are all dead or addicted to drugs these days

Matter of fact, as best I know I’m the only one clean and sober with a nice place to live

I have one friend, my best friend, that I am still in touch with since elementary school.

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Yes I still keep in touch with my elementary, junior high, high school friends on Facebook

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I still remain in contact with some friends from high school and some from uni.

Frankly, those are most of the friends I’ve got. I have no contact with anyone I met in the workplace.

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I thought I had a friend at prep school. I found him years later on Twitter. He’d turned into a late middle aged lecherous man verbally drooling over scantily glad young women. I made a comment, and he blocked me. I should’ve picked up on the signs earlier that he was just comparatively nicer to me than the other boys and girls. We lost contact soon after I went to public school.

Thus I had no friends during my 10 years going to boarding school. I’d totally blocked memories of being bullied at prep school ,perhaps because it was less severe than what happened at public school. My brother reminded me the other day of my being bullied at the prep school sandpit. At both prep and public school I was treated as though I was an ugly freak. The bullying being quite a bit worse at public school.

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No. Not in touch with anyone from school. For th best. They judge me badly


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