School and work?!?!

So I got a phone call today I’ve been waiting for and was told that I have $20,000 and/or 135 weeks of school paid for. My last job was lost due to trade with China and I qualify for the Trade Act. I’m conflicted whether I should start soon and what classes to take. I started with marketing but quickly withdrew after 2 months. Wasn’t my thing.
The 20k is not cash. It goes towards schooling costs. I can keep a pell grant though.


Now that I love psychology, I’m teetering between it and drafting/modeling.

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What great news for you! I wish you all the best with whatever degree you choose to pursue.


Start looking at programs that seem reasonable to you. Look at the requirements, compare them with where you’re at. Check out the courses. Which ones look more up your alley? Which can you see yourself doing?

I think you’d be great at either of the two. There really isn’t a wrong choice here.


Thank you! I believe we should all have access to free education, one day…

I know. You are a good egg @Rhubot. I think you know where I’m heading.

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I have so much experience in manufacturing, it would be a shame to waste it. I can draft from home too. BTW I LOVE Solidworks.

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…to Detroit to build earthships for people who need homes that I’ll secure zoning permits for? :smiley_cat::smiley_cat: is that where?

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We can live happily ever after in this :grinning:


Oh my god that’s amazing :heart_eyes_cat:

Seriously, you’re going to be great at whatever you choose. Don’t rush into a decision. Think about where you’ll be happiest.

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Yeah, I rushed into marketing. Not my cup o tea but I wanted to start a biz. Read the books though :wink:

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looks very airy :slight_smile: i love it, would love to stay in a country where you dont need windows lol


Those are some good news! Good luck on whatever you decide!