All of a sudden, not sure about school

was reading one of @77nick77 's posts about school. and i wonder if i will be the same, enrolling and then not being disciplined enough to attend all the classes, and complete all the assignments. if i go back to school this would be my 3rd attempt, previous attempts were just like nick, i would skip class or procrastinate on assignments, if i ever even completed them. what is going to make me all of a sudden come out of my funk and be more studious i wonder? the schooling itself isn’t that important, i don’t have any plans to use my degree, it just buys me some time before i have to re-enter the workforce. i fear the reality is, when it comes down to it, i will prefer leisure over working on assignments or studying. like always. same as it ever was.

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Can you try just taking one class and see how that goes?


good idea. im thinking i will take no more than 3 classes a semester, maybe just one would be a better way to start.

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I was doing this when the pandemic started. It’s free. They also go into some pretty in depth concepts, yet make them relatable for the student.

You’ll need a pc I think.

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If you do a subject you’re interested in, makes life easier. Also you’re equipping yourself to be a graduate, so that will help you enter the workforce at a higher level, and progress quicker.

I did History and Sociology as a joint major, and I ended up in a decent IT job for a while.

Couldn’t hack it, so I went back to landscaping

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Hey, don’t get me wrong! I’ve completed enough classes so that I only need three more for my degree. And I’ve got plenty of good grades. I’ve failed a few classes but my last class I got a B.

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You get like 18 dollars and hour now working at Lowe’s or Home Depot. That’s just walking off the street no education. Some degrees don’t even pay that much. Do research with your degree. It may save you time and money. School can be a permanent moratorium sometimes.

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that’s great. im just wondering if i will fall back into old habits if i take classes. personally i have about 50 credit hours from years ago. but would basically be starting over, i think i qualify for grants so it wouldn’t cost me anything, im just wondering if i should try to work instead. just wanting to delay that for a couple more years.

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