has anyone attended Schizophrenics Anonymous meetings before? I’m not sure if this is a country-wide thing (here in the US), or just a statewide thing. But there are meetings in my city for people with schizophrenia, and I was considering trying to attend some of the meetings. Although it’s a 25 minute drive from my house
Has anyone been? Or any other type of schizophrenia support group?
I used to go to partial hospitalization, and that was more for depressed people, so it didn’t really work for me. Plus that was a 40 minute drive, so yeah lol. 25 minutes isn’t too bad, I’ve just been scared to drive out of my little town and into the city lately. I need to get over it and at least try out this Schizophrenics Anonymous. It could be beneficial – at least get me out of the house once a week.
Yes I used to go to one. It was good then it got shut down due to funding. We are thinking of making a Watsapp group to keep us going.
I miss them but at the same time I’m a bit too depressed to meet up atm.
We had sharing about our week, then we would discuss something eg our hopes for the future or bring in music or something and then we’d end it by saying how the grp went today. I loved it. That was also wen I was off my meds so good times
I like that the meeting is only an hour, once a week. The partial hospitalization thing I went to was like 4 hours a day, 5 days a week. It was brutal. The people there were cool, but it just wasn’t for me. I need something like Schizophrenia Anonymous, where I can actually relate closely to what the other people are going through. I’m gonna talk to my parents about it.
I went to a couple of different dual diagnosis groups. i.e. people with a mental illness and drug addiction or suffer from alcoholism. They weren’t bad.
I was more gung-ho about AA, CA and NA back then 25 years ago and one guy irritated me a lot because he talked a lot but I felt he was not serious about recovery at all, he just wanted to be the center of attention.
I attended one specifically for schizophrenia sufferers. It was run by a Psychiatrist who treated us all like babies and as if we were all as thick as pig ■■■■. What an ignorant Psychiatrist. I couldn’t wait to get out of there.
Yes, talk it over with your parents If I found another schizophrenia group to attend I would definitely give it a go, it’s a great way to make friends.
I’ve been to one at the V.A. a place where vets can get help from other vets who have Sz it was very refreshing to know that there are others struggling with the same issues you are. Like this forum.
I’ve gone to a couple of meetings of Schizophrenics Anonymous which are at the NAMI facility. It’s very helpful and I can relate to a lot of people. We discuss our issues, symptoms, coping mechanisms, how our week is going etc. Sometimes a lot of people show up sometimes only a few. I don’t go consistently because of work but when I get a chance I definitely try to go. It helps to get things of my chest. The facilitator also has schizophrenia and is very helpful.
Unfortunately, I’ve decided for the time being that I’m gonna pass on SA. The drive is too stressful for me right now . Hopefully in a little while, I can get over whatever fear I’m having of driving and get to a few meetings. They sound very beneficial
I’ve gone to the one in my city ran by NAMI. It was a positive experience for me. Last time I was there there was a guy who said he got cured by taking black seed oil.
I also compared notes with him on how weird stuff would happen with our electronics. For me my phone would shut off or freeze when I listen to certain pastors or worship music. Weird.