Finally going to a group with people with schizophrenia

I’ve tried other groups before, but they didn’t work out for me. They were for depression, and not sz. Now that I’ve signed up for a group for people with sz, I hope it’ll be beneficial. Does anyone else go to a sz group?


Yes,…it’s a good decision to try them out. I go once a week. They really vary I went to one and I didn’t like it now I go to another one and it’s better. If you don’t like this one, I’d reccomend trying another one too.

I also like that it’s once a week, as opposed to 5 days a week

yea 5 days would be too much maybe,…but I do wish it was more than once actually…but that’s just me.

I’m looking forward to it…other than the driving 30 minutes to get there part

Hopefully it will be worth that

I used to go to the bipolar groups when they first had me diagnosed as bipoar but they changed my diagnosis. But yeah i liked the social aspect of the group and felt i learned some things there.

I do and I love these groups, quiet and kind people. It is very easy to spot non-sz they are always bla-bla-bla-bla-bla and laughing ‘hysterically’.


“Perhaps I know best why it is man alone who laughs; he alone suffers so deeply that he had to invent laughter.”

― Friedrich Nietzsche

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There are no SZ groups in my area.
I went to a bipolar depression support group in my area and it was a positive experience although I kind of didn’t fit in completely.
No one in the group experienced hallucinations or paranoia.
I couldn’t really relate.

I had a similar experience of not fitting in, which is why I am hopeful for this new group of schizophrenics


Best of luck @anon49063606! :slight_smile:


i go to a clubhouse which is full of different people with various mental difficulties including sz

I go to a group for people who hear voices, there’s mostly schizophrenics there.

It’s nice, being among peers. It feels safe being able to talk to someone about my voices without getting the “I feel sorry for you” look or the standard phrases like “don’t listen to your voices”.

It also helps, knowing that I’m not the only one who has that problem, and that I’m not alone in this.


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