Schizophrenic or Psychic?

I have been having a lot of weird things happening, when I look them up it looks like symptoms of schizophrenia, but it feels like maybe I am just psychic. Anyone have any thoughts on this topic?

You’re Romanian?

That’s because you’re psychotic.


I have similar delusions


I used to think I was psychic even though I was far from it. I used to study the occult and stuff in “hopes of becoming psychic”. I would try to meditate and stuff in hopes of psychic powers. But I realize it is delusion and stressful and we are not psychic. In fact schizophrenia/psychosis is kinda considered the absence of psychic intuition ability. It’s a trick or mind plays with us to convince us we’re psychic when schizophrenic. probably not. I used to have psychic dreams. I finally gave up my psychic will though for the past couple years and I am better off.


Is it something you have proof of?

I think people are connected in ways still unknown, and we can pick up on each other sometimes. I have always just thought of it as natural as it happens often and doesn’t appear to be something controlled just another sense. When it happens to me I feel thankful for the connection or knowledge that I feel was given. It’s happened with me way before Sz.

I think the psychosis happens when you begin thinking ‘you’ have great powers, or start obsessing about anything that can not be proven.

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That’s probably what it is, then.


This is something that I struggle with. All I can say is that dopamine agonists make it easier to not think about, and giving up the “good” experiences is worth it to not have to deal with the “bad”.

You know?

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No, I’m German. Why do you ask that?

Ștefan is a Romanian name

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I don’t have proof, yet anyway lol. I hear voices of people, sometimes even of people I know but it is hard to try and confront someone to ask them. I have heard the voices say some things that later have come true. I just keep thinking that if it is all made up in my head then what is the purpose of it? I would like to think that God wouldn’t do that to someone, it would have to be for a good reason.

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If you’re hearing voices then you need to speak to a doctor. The sooner the better.

The best place to start is just with your family doctor.

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I AM SO SORRY!!! I didnt mean to offend anyone with my post. Please forgive me!

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I do already have a psychiatrist that I see and we are trying different medications. Some seem to help a little but also make me very tired. I would rather get to the bottom of the issue instead of putting a band-aid (medication) on it.

Overall it just feels like something weird is going on, but everyone around me is basically telling me to try and just ignore it. I don’t feel like that is the right thing to do. What do you guys think?

Unfortunately medication isn’t a band aid , it’s the actual treatment.

I’m on medication and will be on medication for the rest of my life.

Best of luck with finding the right medication. It’s all just trial and error. You’ll eventually find the right medication.

And welcome to the forum :sunny:


I was living in a parallel universe that overplayed the real one before I got medication and now I’m pretty much fine. I don’t think there is a reason for this disease except that something is not right in the brain. Do the best to get the symptoms under control. I lost my career in my prime and for many it stops then from having one at all. If anything it’s one cruel joke

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That’s the hardest part right now is trying to work full time so I don’t lose my job. It’s really hard when you are hearing things, it makes it very hard to concentrate and do your job. Hopefully it will get better soon or I don’t know what I’m going to do.


It’s funny how often being delusional feels like being psychic.

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I wonder how many psychics thought they might just be schizophrenic at first though.

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My guess is that it’s as good as zero… psychics in general have a pretty irrationally strong commitment to their irrational beliefs. So pretty similar to people with sz. At least those psychics that aren’t just con artists.

Side note: I think if real psychics exist, they don’t go around talking about it and certainly don’t call themselves psychics.

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