Just so you girls know how you are still wanted… I am more attracted to crazy girls than normal girls. Just sayin truth
If im being a jerk, sorry
Do schizophrenic girls still scold you for drinking out of the milk carton?
Lol. Only when i drink directly from the cow
Funny I can’t tell a sz by just looking at them?!?
define crazy. relationships don’t last with me, I feel that guys don’t actually enjoy it. lol. especially if they are completely unaware of the mental illness.
but even if they do know about it, it don’t help much.
being crazy isn’t fun. it’s hard work, and I don’t even wanna work towards it.
@eyeofRa I just mean its a comfort to be understood and not ran away from.
It’s not hard work being crazy…just walk down the street in your underpants. How hard is that?
we talkin 2 different crazies
You boys are silly.
Sz girls rule. We boys drool. Lol
I threw a rock at an abandoned outdoor drive-in movie theater screen…
Now THAT was crackers!!
I wonder if this thread will get flagged
Why? You’re just stating facts.
Idk im often shy because I’ve seen some people get mad over little things like this…
It’s only weird when the creepy guys say it.
Ok fair enough. Lol
I can 100% validate this statement.
How so @Rhubot?
schizophrenic girls r hot
but latinas