What is the difference between Sz and SzA?
schizoaffective disorder is basically schizophrenia + a mood disorder, be that depressive episodes or manic episodes of both. to differentiate it from bipolar w/ psychosis, you are schizoaffective if the mood and psychotic episodes are independent of each other, but bipolar if the psychosis only happens during a mood episode
(from what i understand)
Sza has a mood disorder too.
Sza is basically the result of schizophrenia and a mood disorder having a one-night stand. It has elements of both that may or may not be present independently of the other.
Does anyone think that one illness is more serious than the other or just different?
i would say both are pretty serious but schizoaffective has a better prognosis. ive been told by mental health professionals that those with schizoaffective tend to have better insight than those with schizophrenia, idk how true that is though
I’ve heard sza had a slightly better prognosis on average. But if course there are mild and severe cases of both. I’ve also heard negatives are a lot worse for sz than sza.
Im diagnosed sza. Still don’t understand it other that i feel terrible all the time and don’t trust anybody
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