Schizophrenia Simulator: When Chemistry Upends Sanity’s Balance

What do you think of this video and associated story:

and the story about this:

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naive as this comment may be, the structure shown in the video struck a memory of an article I read of how AP’s work in a cascading way, going from one chemical of the brain to the other once the “vessel” is full. It made some sense overlaping the article with what they describe in the video.

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Edited title of post for clarity :kissing_cat:

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Add a little bit here and there and try to get it balanced I guess but I think there is more to it than that,

I think it has to be suple yet strong, it has to move in a proper fashion according to thought patterns, it must not tip the scales either ‘don’t want our cheese falling from the cracker’ as someone says, it has to be free yet controlled somewhat,

I don’t think I can control it, the drugs can keep it subdued but in the end I think this will be disputed I think it’s best left to God, I’m using the power that I have in me along with the power of the meds and the power of God to try and fix this problem and it all in combination is really good for me I think. :slight_smile:

I think it’s cool that a couple of highly, intelligent, scientists decided to do this. Hopefully it will help.


It’s great they have organized this type of knowledge in this way, I think that requires a lot of insight and helps spread knowledge of this kind.

I did expect something else when I read ‘Schizophrenia Simulator’ but I guess it can be used in this way too.