With every turn Of the page. The voice inside you. Lies to you. And as the story goes on. Those lies build. And then you are convinced that you are actually in the story. Watching it hearing it smelling it. Understand?
Ing it. To the point to the end. Where you realize it’s just a book.
I don’t believe you. 15151515
You’re a die hard reader, aren’t you?
Sorry, there are no Latin lads. Laying on the beach. Are?
Rich tycoons. Hiding under your bed sheets.
Sorry @DrZen. I don’t understand you.
I love romance novels
No. I’m sorry but I don’t relate to this at all.
I think @DrZen is comparing our delusional episodes to all the drama and plot twists that occur in romance novels but our brains naturally bring us there when we go delusional. Then, just like the end of an exciting book, we find out that what we believed is not true and our lives are back to boring again. I can completely relate to this.
Schizophrenia is cheap and corny?
I live in a nightmare world where I am terrified when I lose insight and there is an alien around every corner. Hardly a romance novel.
I am so sorry. @shutterbug I have been terrified out of my mind during psychotic episodes also. @77nick77 I do not think schizophrenia is cheap and corny.
I think it’s one of the most expensive things a person can have. It always comes at great personal cost. Edit: Has crap resale value, though.
Don’t forget sexy!
In my opinion there is nothing sexy about schizophrenia. Maybe that is why I read so many romance novels.
I get mind ■■■■■■ everyday… Sz is very sexual
Super sexual*
Some wisdom there.
People joke around.
Schizophrenia is like eating pop rocks while guzzling a Coca-Cola.
Or…in my case I ate a can of beans upside down and couldn’t stop burping.
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