Schizophrenia has ruined my skin!

My skin looks so old and gray. I now have wrinkles on my forhead when i raise my eye brows

Im only 24.


How has this happened? I thought skin was to do with genes?

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Due to the stress and not sleeping. My skin has been like this since i had my last psychotic episode and gradually got worse. It was like my skin just took a masive beating when i came off my psyche drug

Thats normal, your skin looks fine


I also think it looks gray now since im not as healthy as i once was when i was skinny

Do you smoke, drink or take drugs

No i dont the only drugs i take are prescription.

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Can you eat better? Just because diet can help some

It used to when i was skinny. Now it doesnt help me no more

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Anyway thats rough that stress and insomnia have affected your skin.
Keep moisturising, eat healthy and try to sleep

It looks like ill die young anyway tbh im not as healthy as i once was and its showing im not too bothered tbh infact im happy is that way. Forehead wrinkles earlier on is a sign of a bad heart apparently

It’s perfectly normal for skin to wrinkle when eyebrows are raised. Don’t worry.

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Not true! 15151515

Anyone can die anytime its natural part of life.
All you can do is live as healthy and safely as you can. Dont worry about what may or may not happen

I want to die tbh

Try Melatonin. It is available over the counter in pharmacies and is very good for insomnia.

Dont sell it in my country

Oh really? Not even with a doctor’s prescription?

Melatonin doesn’t work over the long term for insomnia anyway.

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I havent asked my doctor but i dont think they would precribe it

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