Schizophrenia has ruined my skin!

How old are you

In my case it works well. I have been taking it for approximately 2 years.

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Do you take antihistamines? My skin is always dried out.

Ask your doctor. It is not a dangerous drug. It is available over the counter in pharmacies in many countries. And they also have generic versions.

Oh 24 right
Well it sounds like your having a bit of a meltdown over your skin. You really shouldn’t talk about dying like that because there are plenty of sick and vulnerable people who really are dying

24 years of age

Im not really i just feel depressed over everything

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No i dont its naturally dry

For me, it quit working after about a week.


Thats what i thought. I was your age once and used to have meltdowns about my appearance. Sometimes i couldn’t go into work because of it id pull a sickie lol
Hey this will pass. Im sure you look fine.
Post a picture without you frowning and i bet you will get a ton of likes

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My mom has insomnia and melatonin doesn’t work for her. She took big doses it makes her tired but not fall asleep

I really dont want to try anymore its not just my appearance its my life

We can only give advice on what you tell us otherwise we don’t know whats happening with you.

Feel free to vent

Weve all been through tough times

Sz ruined my life but not my skin!

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At least you have supportive friends and family near. I understand though its tough when how you thought things would be don’t come true and we all make mistakes, god knows ive made them and i don’t know anyone without regrets over something.
Dont beat yourself up though try to think of things in a positive way

You’ll develop bad hair and Sasquatch eyebrows next.

Be afraid. Be verrrrrry afraid.



At least you got hair I am bald at 33y.o. I started balding at 20y.o. lol

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You’ve still got hair. Or haven’t you noticed how much bushier your nostrils feel as you age?

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I bought a nostril and ear hair trimmer but stopped using it. I need to use it

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You can have my hair and I’ll trade you for your heart.
