Schizophrenia and Technology

I’m a late bloomer to tech in general. I can’t live without texting, and I get most of my support this way.

I don’t like to hold the phone to my ear because I’m worried about brain cancer.

I can’t easily read the news on the internet because it’s about me or directed at me.

I don’t do Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, or others like that, but sometimes You Tube. and I still buy old fashioned CD’s for music.

I do love my camera phone!

Over all I think it has been both helpful and hurtful (technology) in regards to my mental illness. What do you think?

I had those same problems. It makes me worry about an episode, because I won’t be able to do anything.

I can’t watch movies/TV, surf the internet, listen to music, or do any social media, because of delusions of reference. All I’ll be able to do is sit and stare at the world going by. Plus the other torturous things that happen. It will be hell, again.

Technology while I’m on my medicine is something I try to get the most out of, because I could lose it all at any moment.

Yeah, same here. Also, I do just enough with it to get by, nothing more. I might get more out of it if I understood it more.

Technology has been helpful for me because I have this forum to learn from and post to about my experience with Schizophrenia.

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