Schizophrenia and having children

I was wondering if those with schizophrenia and children can mention here how their relationship with their children is?

I have a bit of a fear that because of schizophrenia I will be a bit aloof and find it hard to bond to my kids if I had them.

What are your experiences with being schizophrenic and having children?


Well I can tell you about the opposite, my mother has schizophrenia.

I think you can have a decent relationship if you are fairly high functioning and on meds. My mother is low functioning and off meds so things were harder and my normie sister hates her.

Another thing to worry about is that there will be a distinct possibility that they may inherit a mental disorder like I did…


My mom is the picture of why people fear mental illness coupled with addiction! She has ravaged everyone in her path of self destruction. The only nice thing I can say about her…she drives me to be a better person. I am really working on being a better person, but I will not have children and pass on this disease. NEVER EVER would I put an innocent at risk for this debilitating ■■■■■■■■ of a disease. The pain will end with me


Never have children if you have it…it is a terrible disease that rips families apart and tears your children down and ■■■■■ them up if not scars them for life passing the disease on to them …:: it’s hard for kids to understand .: sometimes impossible to explain…I’ve hurt many people in my life … many many people including family :::: having children I believe makes the disease worse … children are stressful.: especially with age:::


But this is only me OPINION… I have a full time job and 5 kids…: This ■■■■ is scary man::: maybe if I didn’t have a job and just stayed at home it would not be so hard … or maybe if I had no kids and just a job :: or maybe no job and no kids .: or maybe no Sz …
Alot of people say oh well you shouldn’t have had kids … SHUT UP!!! most Sz doesn’t get bad or even show up until late teens or mid twenties for females and by that time most women are married with kids… #rant over. .:: I think

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I have two children and my expectations are high.

I’m high functioning for now with DID and SZ there’s no telling if my mental illness will get better or worse with time, but for now I’m doing fine being a dad.
I have my hobbies and I work, when I come home I help take care of my 4 1/2 month old baby.
Although I constantly have delusions about her disliking me or whatever I’m thinking that day, I eventually get over it and I’m back to being dad.
I’m hoping that when she’s older and I’m older I’ll still be as okay as I am now.
If you’re schizophrenia is sort detrimental to you and you can’t handle day-to-day activities then I would say don’t have one as it would cause unnecessary stress for you.
Sometimes I can barely keep it together when my baby is crying and i want to shut down if I can’t calm her down or figure out what’s wrong.

So really you have to be a selfish and think, is this going to be okay for me? An I going to be able to do this?
You have to be real and think about if you’d be able to handle it and provide and love your child.

It was definitely hard for me when I had my first child. I was hardly there most of the times. This went on for almost 10 years of torment for my kids. I got so bad I left them and wondered off into the woods, until I was found by the police and was taken to the hospital. I was that unaware of my situation. I mean I felt something was wrong, but I gave up at some point, because I just couldn’t ask for help. I didn’t know how to. It didn’t help that I was surrounded by family members that kept telling me I was going to hell if I or my kids weren’t saved, and the end of the world could happen at any time. I was so scared. I at some point wanted to drown my kids because I felt they couldn’t be saved. So yea it was rough. I’m more aware now, and I’m doing well on my meds. So I’ve definitely improved. Everyone tells me I’ve changed drastically.

I’ve since stopped talking to those radical family members.
Most importantly I forgot to mention, my older kids are in therapy to help them cope better. I’m there for them now. When the symptoms want to come back, I exercise my coping skills. It’s tough, but I try. And my kids understand what I have now, so that helps too.


Yeah I too was force fed Religion also…It’s funny how they preach to us about this merciful loving God and how he will saves us but that same God promises us hell and pain if we don’t do what he says::. Sounds like the Devil to me…: that’s eboughtvright there to trigger a sane man

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I don’t want to step on anybody’s toes here or hurt anyone’s feelings but I would not have had children after my diagnosis. There’s just no way. If I had a young child right now, I would not be able to care for him or her. We would have to hire someone to be home with us.

And sometimes I’m well enough where it would be fine but sometimes I’m not. And that’s not a situation I would choose to bring a child into. Dog sitting my sister’s dog nearly broke me awhile back. A young child would destroy me mentally. There’s just no way.

I have a 17 year old now. And I was fine for many years when he was young and it’s hard enough as a healthy person to raise a child. I’m so glad this hit me when he was older.


Thank you all moms that posted on how tough it is. Just a little reminder to me because my husband mentioned adoption at one point and if you don’t mind can I show him how tough it is for you?


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