So I am not on an AP or Mood Stabilizer - it’s been about a month now.
The strange thing is that I am not experiencing any kind of bipolar symptoms - No mania No depression.
I am experiencing symptoms more related to Schizophrenia - even though I am not currently experiencing mood symptoms, I figure that some depression will hit me soon. No psychosis other than some paranoia.
Does anyone have a Schizoaffective Diagnosis and not experiencing Delusions or Hallucinations?
My current symptoms include mild paranoia, social anxiety (paranoia) Negative Symptoms, some anxiety, some illusions.
I swear I am starting to think that I have Schizotypal Personality Disorder since I am not experiencing true psychosis, just some illusions and social withdrawal
and some paranoia as usual.
I have a lot to say to my psychiatrist - She now is doubting that I have Bipolar type 1 I am sure.
You will always have other symptoms other then what you are diagnosed with. The diagnoses means total jackshit the main thing is you are stable and the meds are working. MRI scans show meds and therapy work hand in hand relying on meds alone is a big mistake. Reality is for many of us that we may be on meds for life but worth to keep working to reduce the maximum dosage needed to keep stable.
Yes me. Years of meds and therapy treatments I am stable. We are starting to reduce medication successfully.
Slow process so far only 50gm successfully and that was the AD. Previous attempt three years earlier was a night mare. We were down to half of both my meds AP and AD at one point. Last attempt was the reasoning for my last hospital stay two years ago.
Don’t worry about it. If your improving then that’s all that matters
One thing I was told about mood symptoms is that when you are told you have bipolar you can tend to equate every mood change as part of bipolar. But life has ups and downs in general it’s human nature
I’m getting re evaluated by a new pdoc soon. I had a phone call discussion with my local mental health association . And they said it sounds like I’m currently experiencing just bipolar 2 symptoms right now.
But if you go back a few years or 5 years then there’s full blown mania and extended periods of psychosis without full blown mania or depression. Which would put me under the schizoaffective category etc…
So the way i see it diagnosis is really just to help you manage your current symptoms at hand.
I’m not having any symptoms either… Maybe you’re in remission.
Or… You did taper off the medication, maybe it takes a while. Not trying to be a party pooper, that’s great you don’t have symptoms, but it can mean a lot of things, and it can be temporary. Keep on guard.
Re the delusions and hallucinations; Am I right in saying that you have had them in the past? If so could it just be you are having a good spell? The thing I would ask is " Will that last without medication?"
Your current symptoms tally quite well with mine. I suspect I have some schizotypal traits. The cluster A PDs can tend to occur together.
i have sza but never hallucinated. thats the best i got lol i still have “delusions” and mood symptoms on meds. off meds would be a nightmare though so i guess its milder sometimes but sometimes it gets pretty bad. sorry for being so specific
There is a type of Schizophrenia called Simple Schizophrenia - No Hallucinations or Delusions, but I don’t know how legitimate it is.
I am certain that I suffer from Schizotypal - I have had Hallucinations and Delusions in the past, but it might have been from taking an Antidepressant for years.
I am currently suffering from some Negative Symptoms, Social Anxiety - Paranoia- Anxiety - Some Depression- Illusions - OCD - and other symptoms, typical of Schizotypal.
I will bring it up to my psychiatrist.
I have also experienced milder transient Hallucinations, both visual and Auditory in the past - especially under stress - common for Schizotypal.