Here it is, time to Fly fill in the blanks and Say Anything!
First post … I win !
Bwah hah hah
Cmon jonnybegood give somebody else a try for once
Nice try !!! Almost!!!
Thanks for starting the thread @anon10627598 !
At least I can do that, you must of closed the thread while I was typing to have it closed.
ZombieMombie did. I left the link to this thread after the other thread was closed though.
@anon10627598 if you like bruschetta check this out
I have to dust my house. I don’t waaaannnnnnnnnaaaaaaa.
Thanks, @anon4362788! Good idea! I couldn’t respond in time, before the other thread was closed. I was making dough for that bread that I mentioned.
I will try to figure out the math, of each loaf, and then try to figure out each slice of each loaf.
I cooked dinner today, for once. A dinner I like, the way I like it.
And not buttered toast like I usually do.
Real food!
There a book and a website that I use to count calories and carb in particular. It is called try it out.
Happy Cake Day @anon10627598
Dust is part of nature so it can’t be bad for you. So I say just don’t and pretend you did dust. I mean if you dust today you’ll just have to do it again tomorrow so…
Oh, yeah! I used to have a small Calorie King book that I kept in my purse! It was very helpful before I had a smartphone. That was over a decade ago!!
I will check out the website. I don’t think I’ve ever been to the website.
@anon10627598 i have a free app on my phone called MealBoard. It’s great!
Yeah… I can’t not clean. Yes, I’ll have to do it again next week, but my house has to be clean and decluttered. I just hate it. It’s SOOOOOOO boring, and I can’t stand that.
Can you listen to music while you clean? I feel like music makes hard chores/work a bit more bearable.