Say Anything U is for Ukulele

Grab an instrument and jelly. :thinking:


always wanted to do that!




What up homeskillets?


Third :joy::joy::joy:, but “ if u ain’t first you’re last”
. Dang it


What’s up? How’s your night going? Or day depending on where u are


It’s going really well, thanks for asking! I discovered a free AI art generator the other day and I am still having a blast experimenting with it and getting back these awesome images!

I’m so glad I finally have a use for this higher end graphics card, especially since I never use it for gaming like it was originally intended for.

How is your day?


My night is going okay I guess.

I didn’t know u had to have such a high powered PC to do generative A.I.

Do u ever post any of that on here?


I mean you don’t, but the better your graphics card is, the faster the images generate. Also if I don’t have the laptop plugged into a power source it generates super slow. I posted a few of the pictures on the last say anything thread near the end. They are crazy amazing!


Hey kiddos!

We’re listening to a classic A Tribe Called Quest album. :slight_smile:


Abigail Breslin and Jake Gyllenhaal are next! Nobody is safe from my relatively low quality deepfakes!!


That’s cool I like A Tribe Called Quest. Ever heard of Souls Of Mischief? They’re like A Tribe Called Quest west coast counterpart. I love their song “93 til infinity” if u like old school hip hop.

I also love “check the rhime” by a tribe called quest. So much good classic hip hop, ya know


Nice! I have heard of Souls of Mischief, and I think I had that CD ages ago. I’ll have to rebuy it. Thank you. :slight_smile:


I always find A.I hilarious in every way. They continually try and deceive us
 which is the whole point I guess


The fingers/toes screwups are really bad and really take away from it. My first AI program was a phone program and it screwed up faces. Then I upgraded to Easy Diffusion on my PC and faces are perfection but still, everyone has extra fingers, not enough fingers, elongated fingers, or no hands period.

They really need to fix that, then it would be freaking flawless.

I’ve also seen a YouTube video that tells you how to use a hundred or so images of yourself to train the AI to recognize your name like it does celebrity names. I might have to try that if I can stand looking at my mug lol, I could cast myself in all the classic horror movies!

You can imagine how badly I want to make Freddy Krueger stuff with it but alas, my favorite horror villain relies on a finger-based weapon so I am screwed!

Another reason I love Easy Diffusion is that it’s local, and completely uncensored. Unfortunately it will randomly spit NSFW stuff at you, but this is rare, and as long as you avoid a few superbly cursed keywords in your prompt you should be fine. I just hate how censored Midjourney is, especially when I like to recreate horror movie scenes and characters!

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I wasn’t making fun of your work at all, I find it all pretty funny. I would almost leave some of the “screw up” until they improve A.I. Just some advice.

That is pretty cool recasting yourself in old movies though,

sometimes A.I gives me the creeps though. The A.I though, not you

Especially some the fake photos of actual people, they always look like they’re really enjoying themselves or something, always appears like the scene in horror films right before something bad happens, which is always creepy, yet hilarious. Haha


I have a mild case of akathisia. And it feels like bugs are crawling on me.

These are no doubt connected to my paralyzing anxiety episode I had earlier today.

11:30 PM.

I may risk it and go eat Chinese buffet tomorrow. Ever since quitting the vape my people patience is very low.


Oh I didn’t think you were making fun of the pics, sorry if I left that impression
 I was just excited to talk about them because I’m kind of a shutin and my family couldn’t care less about the technology lol. I guess I’m easily impressed.

I don’t think AI’s gonna destroy us, like, we have 100 years at least before it gets that smart and we’ll all be long gone by then. Lot’s of people tend to worry about this I think.

I would not be happy if I was a celebrity because trust me in the next 5 years if you type in a celebrity’s name to check out some sexy runway pics or photo shoots it’s gonna be cluttered by almost inseparable AI generated imagery
 which takes away their control over how they are depicted among other things and after they fix the text and finger errors, it’s game over :open_mouth:


Yeah I like your pics though, I recognize the second guy. He looks like an actor I’ve seen before, but i never know anyone’s name.

I would keep playing with it if I were you, if anything you’re getting a glimpse of the future before other people do and that’s always pretty cool.

U think A.I will help us or be more harmful than help us?


Oh it has the potential to help us so very much in so many fields. The many medical errors that result in fatalities in hospitals comes to mind
 it’s a very small number but human error won’t exist if you give an AI the job of studying and providing feedback.

I mean some AI text programs can pass lots of entrance exams these days, if we can make a program a skilled doctor or lawyer, why couldn’t it help us diagnose, or at the very least proofread our own diagnoses in a hospital setting?

But yeah the guy from the second pic with the gun is supposedly Jake Gyllenhaal, he was a very young adult when he did the schizophrenia film Donnie Darko. He’s been in a lot since then, he was Mysterio in the MCU and recently did a movie about a car chase in LA that wasn’t bad.

I’m gonna get to work on a super saiyan Rick Sanchez avatar using the generator. It’s harder than you’d think to get a good one of those, I still haven’t landed on one that doesn’t look “cursed” (sorry for the youthful buzzword lol).