Here it is the brand new thread, say something say anything!!!
Second!! 15151515
Hard luck buddy!
Is it me or does Japan have loads of mythological creatures? Half the lists posted features things from japan
They are one of the ancient cultures so they have had a long time to dream theirs up.
Yep! A pesky mosquito morphs into a fire breathing dragon over the centuries.
H is for Hippos
Oiy!! So Kraken it is. The people have spoken
I’ve got this really cool carved didgeridoo out in the garage. I’m thinking about dusting It Off and seeing if I can get some cool sounds out of it.
Well @Cragger get a “kraken”
So I dragged it in from the garage, wiped off all the cobwebs. Then the moment of truth, when I played it it sounds like ■■■■ LOL still looks cool though
today Jimmy Hendricks turned 80.
hendricks was never satisfied with his work after R u experienced?
Hendrix put out a phenomenal, but little known album called Midnight Lightning. It’s Jazz and blues, great variety. From what I read, it was Hendrix’s favorite album. The recording company didn’t want him to put it out, they wanted more pop songs out of him. But he said ■■■■ you, and did it on his own
i heard the beach boys motivated sgt peppers. and i heard some famous musician once say j giles band made a truly great live album once i forgot who said it i dont know why it comes to mind
The J Giles band!! I haven’t thought of them in years! That brings back a few memories
The didge can take some practice to get the embouchure down, get strong overtones, rhythm, and eventually circular breathing.
I used to sit in front of the TV and practice for hours. It paid off eventually.
Happy Yidaki-ing.
Good greetings!
I’m baking vegan blueberry muffins.
I used chia seeds mixed with water as egg replacement .
They are in the oven and it’s starting to smell nice.
Hope they turn out beautifully.
Hoping I can send my Christmas cards today.
Expensive with stamps but I’m only sending four cards this year.
Brushed and flossed my teeth.
Feels nice.
I don’t floss daily.I was but it’s been once a week of flossing.hope I can get myself to do it daily again.
I started watching a abba cash .
Hope I can get into it since it’s in Swedish.