:rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:

BRAND NEW SONG BY YOURS TRULY :upside_down_face:

Thanks for listening! Your gonna love it!
:heart: :heart: :heart:

@AKendrick @zwolfgang @ThePickinSkunk @anon61987434 @Schztuna


Going hardddd on this one @POET! :triumph: :triumph:


Nice one bro :100: it’s workout day so I’m gonna put it on and get some lifing in :+1:t5::muscle:t5:


ayyyyy thanks big tuna! :smiley:
got a new pc so i can do a bit more now :slight_smile:
thanks a lot for listening! <3


ayyyy thanks so much dude! really appreciate you listening. means a lot! i worked hard on it so to see you guys actually enjoyed it makes me happy :slight_smile:


Sweet @POET

It lured me right in. Keep up the good work.


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thanks so much dude :slight_smile: appreciate you taking the time bro!

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What was your inspiration? You must have spent the last several days working on it.

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yea the last 2 days plus all night last night so like 2.5 days.

my inspiraiton was getting a new pc really LOL it allowed me to do so much more. Legit my old computer to even play anything on FL studio id have to render each layer first… i know its insane. I was like having to do all these work arounds, PC shutting off mid project etc. Man it was torture. i feel spoiled with this new pc lol

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Whoop whooooop congrats on the new PC! :raised_hands:


Gives the Poet an allegorical spanking

Naughty child

Spoiled? You? Nah!


thanks! honesly this pc was only $80 and its way beter than my old PC so thats saying a lot about how terrible it was :joy:
To be fair i did get a deal from my friend who sells PCS but yea. Still an old PC but its good enough to get stuff done now.


Bro I’m on the same thing. Need a new PC bad as hell. Just spent 2 hours trying to get my monitor to connect thinking hackers are β– β– β– β– β– β– β–  with me :laughing:

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damn bro sorry to hear that haha maybe Santa will bring us all computers for christmas :laughing:

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Great work on this one!! It gets me so hype :fire: :fire:

Your sound design is something to behold


hey @POET . Not really my thing these days but it sounds very well done and thanks for all your hard work in posting it for us.

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Lol thanks a lot dude! Appreciate it! :smile:

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Well done :muscle:

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thanks brother! i appreciate you listening man! :fist_right: :fist_left:

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There is something missing after the song ! Because when it stopped I was thinking what happened! I wish It was longer :grinning:

Edit : by the way have you seen the movie Dead Poet society movie ?

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