Say Anything LXVII 👽


New thread!



I need to clean before my partner gets home, but I’m really enjoying just doing nothing right now.

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Did anyone flag the old post to get it locked?


Yeah they got it


I think I’m going to binge Star Trek TNG tonight. I haven’t watched it in like a year. lol I want to watch the new one, but I haven’t really looked into where to watch it.


Congratulations @Montezuma for being the first poster. In appreciation of your dedicated service I award you the Say Anything Medal of Metal.


Awww. Thank you most kind sir!

I would like to thank my Mother, all my friends who believed I could make the picture, and Lloyd Kaufman for making The Toxic Avenger.

(My practice for my first film’s acceptance speech)



Sounds good. If you practice in front of a mirror and imagine yourself naked when you speak it all goes very well.


I got Wendy’s again today, spicy chicken sandwich and baconator fries. The fries were terrible, they were soggy and hard to grab hold of, and the bacon wasn’t in bits but rather just one slice broken into like three or four pieces. Good idea, bad execution.

I’ve been up since midnight last night so I’m freaking tired, gonna slam some cokes back to stay awake.


was just over at mom and dad’s for a couple hours. mom is under the weather real good. I think she has it worse than dad had it. hoping if I get sick, I come down with it soon, so I will be over it by Christmas. so far though, I haven’t had any symptoms. they got it from my little niece while she was here over thanksgiving I think.

they still haven’t done any Christmas shopping. I was telling them they need to get on it. I had all my shopping done back in October. it’s been a long 2 months waiting for Christmas.

really looking forward to our trip in January. I haven’t been anywhere since august. when I get back from our little trip to florida I will start putting in lots of applications. I will apply for full time positions and part time positions. if I can handle full time I will do it. will see, hopefully my long layoff from work doesn’t hurt me too much.


I accomplished three things today. Cleaned up my living space, shaved, and showered. I swear I went close to a week without a shower…blah! Not cool. Now I’m going to watch a movie then I need to attend to a healthcare form later.


Oof. I hate the havoc these meds cause my digestive system.

I kind of want a fancy caramel coffee with frothed vanilla milk, but I really need to stop with the sugar. Buuuut it does sound delicious and relaxing.


I went a week before my last bath, too. :see_no_evil: I really need to get better about it, but it’s so easy to forget in the winter when you don’t sweat as much and the cold keeps you under blankets.

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I have finished the intermediate version of my practice fan website. (If you haven’t been paying attention I’m learning to code html, then on to css.)

I’m thinking this could happen eventually as paid work.


I made a decaf caramel coffee with frothed unsweetened vanilla almond milk. :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face: Not as good as with sugar, but hopefully the addition of some vanilla extract will help.


Gosh! Something just hit me rock hard. I should probably eat something today. A sandwich at least or maybe a Spam on toast.


Just caught up on the forum drama. Damn I don’t miss that ■■■■. :roll_eyes:

Anyways, I think I need to go to bed early tonight. I’ve been really tired all day. But it’s only 6:45, so I guess I’ll wait another hour or two.


Oh no he didn’t!!!