Say Anything CXII !😊

The invisible woman was a bit of a let down too. :pensive::pensive::pensive:


Oh yeah, was that last weekend’s Svengoolie?

His movies are really a hit or miss with me.


We were talking about raccoons the other day.


Yes it was. :ant::ant::ant:


Got ya my dude. I missed that one. I was snoozing.


Watching my puppy is becoming a full time job and is causing me a lot of irritation for some reason.


bout to cut the lights out and play the alien game. this should be fun


I feel like none of my friends care about me any more. I feel like I shouldn’t exist today


Hi everybody! I’m making lunch yo!


working on mom and dad to let me move back in with them. it makes no financial sense for me to live by myself across the street. it is costing them money for utilities. i asked dad what he would do with property if i moved and he said rent it, or sell it. might as well begin soon after the upstairs bedrooms are finished. i would still pay rent that would be saved for my own place in a few years. i think theyll come around, of course i would have to get rid of my breakfast nook or store it somewhere that would be the worst part, i love my breakfast nook, it fits my place perfectly.

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I guess I touched on something in therapy.

I’ve been eating fast food all day, and that almost never happens.



Spent an hour plus untangling that vintage marionette. Think there is still something not right but it moves and looks cool.

Listening to Marilyn Manson now. Gonna make white rice with lentils later.

Cleaned my room up. Gathered some garbage and even made my bed.




I felt that way a few weeks ago.i just kind of waited for people in my life to contact me. They did contact me.

It’s the holiday season. Be patient. :wink:


Beautiful people is my favorite Marilyn Manson song. loved the video.


Idk I just feel like I’ve done something wrong. None of my friends have really talked to me in a week


The dope show was good too. :boar::boar::boar:

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Okay I guess my dad bought me two bottles of Faygo. Heck! I’ll take it.

Later I will hop on the exercise bike then eat.


I like most of MMs material. Beautiful People is a cool one though.



I’ve been there recently. I’m not saying I know how you feel, however. It’s tough when no one contacts you.

I can say that I bet they will be in contact with you over the holidays.

You’ve probably not done anything wrong.


My chili is done! I’m just letting it cool off for a little while before I try it out.

I used a can of red kidney beans this time, mixed with a can of pintos.

I also added some hot sauce and ketchup to this batch.

It smells amazing!


G’day guyzzz!:slightly_smiling_face:

Hope you are well.

My boyfriend posted pictures of me on Facebook saying I’m his girlfriend.
So sweet!

They were good pictures though so his friends that have seen them might say I look nothing like my pictures if they meet me.

I do have a video clip of me without makeup on my profile though.

If they scroll my profile they might see it and see “real me”.

I walked my brothers dogs.

Haven’t told my x in sa I have a new boyfriend.

I might tell him after Christmas and keep being his friend and fan.

If he lets me.

But he gets really good Christmas present from me so that might be reason to let me be his fan.

Been sleeping bad last few months.

Was sleeping beautifully for years so don’t know what happened.

I bought a pair of vegan gothic boots for myself.

I love them.

I really needed new winter boots.

I have no savings which sucks but I’m happy with them.

Hopefully I will get groceries delivered tomorrow if all goes as planned.


My family are going on a holiday next year together but I can’t go because I can’t afford it and they can.

I don’t mind.

I’m content and happy and appreciate all I have.

I don’t need holidays.

I can’t afford holidays but I can afford my fur babies.:two_hearts:
They enrichen my life.

I would like to go to the snow for a couple of days but that would cost a couple thousand so isn’t happening in the near future.

I don’t even have a couple hundred saved up.

I have it good though.
Where I am.

Will always be a fan of my x in sa and his dogs.

Can’t get myself to exercise.baaaaaa

Want to loose a couple kg.