Sarcosine Reduces Symptoms in Schizophrenia

Have you heard anyone else getting jipped ?

Oh good. At least you know theyā€™re not flakes

I just finished my gram. The 23rd of november. I feel good so far. Maybe if this works I can take lsd and smoke herb successfullyā€¦ lol. Totally kidding.

@szadmin is there sugar mixed in this ? Or is it just naturally sweet ?

sarcosine is naturally sweet. There is no need for sugar to be mixed in any sarcosine product.

I started sacorsine 2 days ago, for now I canā€™t say it has a lot of effects on me.
Iā€™m taking it with the hope that this medication reduces my negatives symptoms that are really annoying especially the ā€œflat affectā€


5 days in. im up to 2 grams a day. i feel more enthusiastic perhapsā€¦ not sure im improving or not yetā€¦ but no allergic reactions so thats a plus so far

Seems kinda amplified in my domeā€¦ Iā€™m taking 200 l theanine at night and up to 2 grams of sarcosineā€¦ slight visions tinging while busy today ā€¦ Iā€™m going back to 1 gram a day of sarcosineā€¦ it does seem to offer an enthusiasm emphasis but the 2 grams may be a bit much for meā€¦ Iā€™ve also been described as a very high functioning sz so maybe 2 grams is too much for me

im stopping sarcosine. it seems to disorient my mind a bit.

6 days under it, still feel no major improvement, hope it will works, taking a dose of 6g per day, I also take a vitamins supplement

Thats a high dose. The highest Iā€™ve ever seen used in research is 4 grams per day. I donā€™t think its a good idea to take more than 4 grams, given there has been no research at that level.

Oh, really ? Its written on the box that you can take 6 pills of 3000mg per day but I think thatā€™s too much
Do you think that if I reduce the dose it will be more effective ?

Are you saying each pill is 3,000 mg (3 grams) - that seems like its inaccurate. Perhaps each pill/capsule is 500 mg, which would mean that 6 capsules / pills per day would total 3,000 mg (3 grams) per day.

If thats what you are taking - you are only getting 3 grams per day - which is fine.

Woops, thatā€™s right, its 500 mg not 3000, Iā€™m so dumb sometimes

I thought sarcosine only comes as powder currently

Some companies offer it in a capsule - but its a lot more expensive than in a powder form.

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I might just try a half gram each day. Is sarcosine best used regularlyā€¦ or can I perhaps take a scoop if Iā€™m only feeling off ? I took a half this morning and I feel good but I was getting sz symptoms with 2 grams. Glowing shapes and black shadows

Can you give me any pointers I taking it to begin with. Like do you mix in mainly in water, if so how much water to sarcosine ratio? Anything else will also be helpful.

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Iā€™ve never seen any research on this. I think whatā€™s important is just the amount of sarcosine youā€™re taking. If you have half a cup of water or a full cup it doesnā€™t matter. And, I think you can mix the sarcosine with any cold drink you usually have - like juice or bubbly water, etc.

This supplement sounds promisingā€¦ and I have overlooked this sticky thread until today. Can I get the Sarcosine over the counter in country like Australia? Or must I order it from the Web sites? If I consume for 6 months, and it reverses the damage to Glu*****, can I discontinue the product?

I always have flat affect, and mood swings, so I will give it a tryā€¦ But not sure when especially now I am running out of money.