Sarcosine Reduces Symptoms in Schizophrenia

I don’t get any chest pains, but I got a little anxiety from sarcosine. NAC seems to cancel it out. I did, however, get chest pains from pregnenolone.

Dr diagnosed as mucular & hey if a fit man like Michael Shumacher could put his back out reaching for the remote…?

I have found, however, SmartPowders Sarcosine to be a great deal more potent than the BrainVitaminz stuff. Differences in manufacturer or concentration? Cannot confirm fo’ rilla as best not experiment this close to a family holiday. However if my hypothesis is correct, it makes the difference between illness & health! Can anyone confirm?

Everyone seems to be different when it comes to supplements and medications - some work for some people, others for others. I doubt there is much difference between the two

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Any additional users of Sarcosine? Please add your vote on whether its helping you in this poll:


The addition of sarcosine to antipsychotic therapy for six months increased markers of neurons viability (NAA) and neurogilal activity (mI) with simultaneous improvement of clinical symptoms. Sarcosine, two grams administered daily, seems to be an effective adjuvant in the pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia.


Well, I’ve been taking l theanine and if I start sarcosine in a bit should I continue to take both together, or, one or the other ?

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They target different brain receptors and provide different benefits (sarcosine seems to help with negative symptoms, L-theanine seems to help people with anxiety / stress and sleep) so there should be no problem with taking them at the same time, but I’ve never seen any studies on them being taken at the same time.

THere is another called pregnenolone that might also be helpful:

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Is there any improvement in creativity? Mine has really been squashed by this disease. I also want to know : If i just started L Theanine, is it wise to also start Sarcosine at almost the same time?

oh sorry…I see you answered the second part of my questions already…but i still would like to know about the impact on creativity

in “recent” SZ??? Does that mean newly diagnosed? I’ve had SZ for 30 years…I cannot expect this treatment to work?

@SzAdmin sorry I couldn’t read the whole article but I have some questions if you would like to answer them for me. Are there any adverse effects taking it with medication, does taking it have any side effects, and is this just something that kinda helps, but is mostly a associate that you’re website gets profit from in order to help run this website, which I have no problem with.

Here are what the research studies say:

Side effects
All the subjects completed the study and reported no serious side effects.

This current study has evaluated the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of 2 and 4gm/d of sarcosine in order to test the possible use of this compound as add-on treatment for schizophrenia.
In general, sarcosine was well tolerated by the patients. Administration of sarcosine at 2 and 4gm/d for one week appears to be safe. No significant events, abnormal laboratory results or ECG abnormalities related to the study medication were noted.


I woul guess that they don’t know just because the group they tested on were all recently diagnosed so as to reduce variability. Since there are no known side effects, you could just try it and see.

I just ordered 60 grams. ill likely start it by the 20th. ive got high hopes since the L-Theanine has been brilliant to me…

Ill share the results in a bit :slight_smile:


Warning to all of you using Brain Vitamins…I ordered sarcosine several weeks ago. Their email said I should get the product in a few days. Well it never arrived. They have deducted the money from my bank account but I’ve had NO response to two emails in which I told them to either send a new shipment or return my money. Beware of this site.


I’m new here. My 46 year old son has just returned to his home from inpatient stay(s). His fears, paranoia, and the delusions are all he can focus on. Wife works out of the home and he’s fine when she’s there. He’s not doing well alone. I would be very interested if you would let me know if trying this amino acid helps you before I purchase it for him. Thank you!

odds are youll get it in a few weeks. i remember reading about someone else who didnt get there shipment right away and it took a few weeks

i ordered from smart powders . took a few weeks

Unfortunately I don’t know…

I just heard from Brain Vitamins. I’m not sure how he will handle the missing shipment…hopefully he will make good on it. He said he was backed up and was just now catching up on some emails.